Which uniform? (photo)

Discussion in 'World War 1' started by Natascha, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Natascha

    Natascha New Member

    Could somebody help me identify the uniform?

    This is a picture of my great grandfather, Vladimir Mikhailovich Weintraube, and his brother.
    All I know is that they were born in Bessarabia in late 1800s, but seemingly Austrian citizens. My GGF (on the right) fought in the Austrian Army 1914-16 on the Eastern Front, and became a POW in Kiev in 1916.

    Does anybody recognize the uniform on the left? Which army, which rang?
    What does their hats tell? I notice they have different emblems. Are they both military hats?
    It seems my GGF is wearing ordinary clothes - how does that fit with the hat he is wearing?

    Any input would be most appreciated, thank you

    NB - I do not know when the picture is taken

    Attached Files:

  2. Alexander

    Alexander Member

  3. Natascha

    Natascha New Member

    Thank you for the links. Unfortunately I couldn't find a match

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