I think the Belgian Army could do a lot to retain their finest fort, what is your openion regarding this? I feel that they didn't utilized their resources to defend, what they could; rather than being submissive to the Germans .. !
Belgium Campaign 1940: http://www.scribd.com/doc/40197136/Belgium-Campaign-Maps-1940 British outlook: http://www.ukwarcabinet.org.uk/time/1940-05 The Assault: https://archive.org/details/gov.archives.arc.44317.4
It's interesting how less than 100 paratroopers have conquered a fort defended by 650 defenders in just 1 day. There should be 1200 defenders but germans attacked in a day when were only 650. I think it were much harder for germans, if the fort was prepared for an atack.
The full attack (the attack was rehearsed on a mock up fort before the real attack): http://www.criticalpast.com/video/6...s_Allied-troops_Albert-Canal-Fort_Meuse-river
So, the enormous fortification that constructed according to the Belgian military doctrine did nothing except helped Germany expand himself. Did it proves where there no air-defence, every battle will be decissive and lost? The man of the fort, Major Jottrand may be unabled to use the gun battery technically, had he informed Gen Veken, an infantry division housing within the viciniy (6km/3.6mile or so) could do a lot