Photo album of 1939-1945 Finland

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Yorf, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Yorf

    Yorf New Member

    The defence university of Finland has uploaded hundreads of photos from the war years of 1939-1945. The photos are mostly about winter war, continuation war and lapland war and cover mostly scenery, military life and civilians. The website can be accessed through the link below, and can be viewed in english also. I believe the photo descriptions don't translate, but I hope you can find them interesting regardless. The album was made public just a year ago.

    The link:
  2. stardisgate

    stardisgate New Member

    These photos are interesting. I love seeing the history of it all. I am so glad they were able to photograph some, this way we get an idea on how things looked and were back then.
  3. Yorf

    Yorf New Member

    I really like the colour pictures. It's a weird feeling looking at the pictures knowing that I've visited many of these places, yet not all of them look anything like back then anymore. Many churches and historical buildings burnt down.

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