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Thank You Veterans

Discussion in 'Veterans' Histories/Stories' started by Gin0710, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Gin0710

    Gin0710 Member

    For your service and sacrifice. Happy Veteran's Day!
  2. DancingLady

    DancingLady Member

    Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you for reminding us all Gin0710.
  3. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985 Member

    Already wished our veteran's happy Veteran's Day, but it would be great if we would take more time out of day to day lives to thank our veterans for all they do. And it would be great if our government would treat them like the heroes they are instead of giving them mediocre salaries and medical care when they return home from battle. That would be showing them real appreciation.

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