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Discussion in 'Memorials & Cemeteries' started by mkCampbell, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. mkCampbell

    mkCampbell New Member

    I'm a military brat as is my wife. We are also Army Strong parents and my background is based with the Coast Guard. We encourage everyone that has a few minutes of time to contact their local National, and or military, cemetery to enquirer about "Wreaths Across America." Here's a link
  2. Kate

    Kate Active Member

    OH! I'll bet this is what I see every year! The cemetery near to where I live always has wreaths for Christmas and I thought it was a locally-sponsored event. But now I wonder... okay, I looked if there was a search on that site and there is.

    Nope, that's not why the local cemetery is covered wreaths... interesting. There's not one of the Wreaths Across America cemeteries within 90 minutes of me.
  3. mkCampbell

    mkCampbell New Member

    Hey Kate, glad the site had some info for you even if there is not on close to you. But, Check with your local VFW or ask the cemetery who does the wreaths near you. I know these organizations are always looking for a helping hand.
  4. Kate

    Kate Active Member

    Yes, I wouldn't doubt at all that it's the VFW... I will contact them if for nothing more than to say thank you. Probably donations more than helping hands because they (whether it's VFW or someone else doing it) has the fire companies place the wreaths.

    Thank you, your wife, and your son, for your service. :)
    mkCampbell likes this.

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