A Long Shot: The Arkansas National Guard During World War II

Discussion in 'Regiment Histories' started by helpingcollier4, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. helpingcollier4

    helpingcollier4 New Member

    I am currently researching the military career of my grandfather, Walter C. Collier, who served in the 153rd Infantry Division, 3rd Battalion, Company M, headquartered in Blytheville, Arkansas. They served in the Aleutian campaign from 1941-1944.

    My specific interest involves pictures. I have several generic pictures, but I am hoping to find a picture of Company M as a group. I have visited the Arkansas state archives without success, but was wondering if perhaps an arm of the U.S. government would keep records of Guard units that were activated by the president.

    My odds are long, and I am still working on the local level, but I figured it couldn't hurt anything to ask on this forum. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  2. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    I may have some data which may help, but only in vague way.

    Have you probed the Arkansas Historical Society? They, or the Arkansas Natonal Guard, may have records, but I really think you must have done this.

    The American Legion magazine used to have a 'classified-ad section' which was designed to assist persons like you.

    Both I and a friend have encountered a WWII era US Army combat photographer who ended his career during the Vietnam experience as the Colonel commanding a Army Photograph Archive. Sorry, I do not have the exact name or address, but you might query this somewhat obscure agency.
  3. helpingcollier4

    helpingcollier4 New Member

    I have researched the Arkansas Historical Society's website, but need to send an e-mail to one of their staff. I know my grandfather was a member of the American Legion, so they would be a good place to check as well. And the last hint may be a bit of a needle in a haystack, but I will certainly try it.

    Thank you for your help!

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