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Riflebrigade.Third battle of Aisne 1918? can you help?

Discussion in 'World War 1' started by Fragle, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Fragle

    Fragle New Member

    I've just found out that my Great Grandfather William George Brydon was killed in action on the 28th May 1918 and that he was a rifleman in the Rifle Brigade 2nd Battalion
    As I've never done any research on family history before I've got as far as we know he's on the memorial at Soissons and the Rifle Brigade were involved in the Third battle of Aisne.
    I wondered if anybody would know where they were positioned in the area as I'm going to France in a few weeks and hope to call in to the memorial and maybe visit the village or position they were on the 28th May.
    Any help would be much appreciated
  2. Andy Pay

    Andy Pay Member

    Guyencourt area.

    War diary reads 27/5/18 all quiet
    At 1am German attack started. Barrage opened up at 1am and battalion front was heavily gassed and trench mortared at 4am. The enemy attacked using tanks, suffered very heavy casualties during the preliminary bombardment and attack. The remnants retired to the 2nd line and then over the Aisne by Gernicourt and held that village till forced towards Guyencourt.

    The 2nd RB went into the front line on the front line on 21/5/18.

    Fragle likes this.
  3. Fragle

    Fragle New Member

    Hi Andy. Many thanks for that information. It's not far from the memorial so we can visit the area as well.
    You say war diary does this relate to the rifle brigade.? Can I find this diary?
  4. Andy Pay

    Andy Pay Member

    Hi Fragle,

    The war diary mentioned is the actual war diary of the 2nd Rifle Brigade. If you have an ancestry membership you can view it on there failing that it is at The National Archives at Kew under the reference WO95/173.

  5. Andy Pay

    Andy Pay Member

    Sorry, missed a digit, 2nd Rifle Brigades war diary at Kew is WO95/1731. In May I attended the 100th commemoration for the 2nd Rifle Brigades attack at Fromelles during the Battle of Aubers Ridge.


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