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643 squadron.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Jax-C, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Jax-C

    Jax-C New Member

    Hi,Im new to this and haven't a clue what im doing.Im interested in any info on a 463 squadron plane NG469 and its crew.My relation is Charles Edward Billard.
  2. Diptangshu

    Diptangshu Active Member

    Not sure ... may be helpful ..
    Sq463/NG469 Avro Lancaster Mk I/ (JO-D),
    Sgt Charls Edward Billard (born in Germany)/Aerial gunner(1595492),
    KIA :3rd Mar'45/Dortmund area,
    Flown from:Waddington/RAF,
    S/o Arther Albert Annie Elizabeth Billard.
  3. Jax-C

    Jax-C New Member

    Yes that bob on. I have done a full family tree on Charlie .
    I also have a lot of info on the last mission. It's really sad to read . They were all so brave.
    Foreman and Millar baled out and were taken as POW's.Any info on them would be great. Though Charlie is what got me started on this I am interested in knowing about the whole crew. I know where they all came from and their parents , and I've researched Francis Howells awards etc.
    Thanks for replying back with your information .
    By the way Charlie was 1 of 11 children !! 2 died in infancy.just 2 of the 9 are alive today but they don't remember much.

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