Trying to find a WW2 Pacific war song

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by shanlung, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. shanlung

    shanlung New Member

    This song also might be early 50s.

    I have searched for a year on Google and other lyric finders for this particular song

    It went like this.

    "Half a million soldiers went to Tokyo "
    "Half a million soldiers went to Tokio "

    And the next line was

    "All of them remember, one girl on the shore "
    "All of them remember, wandering on the shore "

    The best I could came across in my searches was this

    我們的英雄教會我們唱One Day When We Were Young,那滄桑的味道直攻我們心窩,但是不持久。
    叫她Hanaku San:Half a million soldiers, went to Tokio,
    All of them remember one girl on the shore,


    which kind of confirmed this song existed.

    But of course, I knew this song existed. Except I just cannot find it.

    Nothing was found on youtube or anywhere else.

    I went to forums on song lyrics and got no help.
    Hopefully some one here might be able to help me.

    That will be very much appreciated.

    Warm regards

  2. KopiOhPeng

    KopiOhPeng New Member

    Hi ShanLung,

    Came across your post just now.
    I too tried to locate this song on youtube.
    The song title is "Hana Ko San" or "Hana Ku San" and was popular here in Singapore. The singer was Miyoshi Umeki who was Japanese and was a singer and actress who actually won an Oscar for her role in "Sayonara", a movie with a post-WWII Japan setting.
    The song itself is not vintage WWII stuff but a catchy tune that was popular here in the late 1950's. I only remember some words :
    "Half a million soldiers went to Tokyo
    All of them remember one girl on the shore
    PXC (not sure I got this right) from Texas and sergeant from Malay
    Heard her singing to them as they sadly sailed away
    Don't forget Hana Ku San; Dream of me Haha Ku San
    One sweet kiss underneath the cherry tree..... (that's all I can recall)

    Sadly Miyoshi Umeki passed away some years ago. She regularly appeared on US television and if you google youtube you can catch some of her performances. We in Singapore were delightfully surprised at Miyoshi's diction and singing. She also costarred in "Flower Drum Song.

    That's all I have.

    Happy viewing.

    Kopi Oh Peng
  3. Wow thats pretty cool. A catchy tune thats for sure.
  4. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    Andy, KopiOhPeng, you say you are confused as to phrase in the cited song: Could the PXC have been rather PFC (meaning Private First Class) which would make sence when paird with the military rank of Sergent.
  5. nailah783

    nailah783 Member

    That's a very interesting song. I would love to hear it on youtube, but you said it wasn't there. It sounds like it is for WWII, but your saying that it is not. It makes sense for that time period though.
  6. KopiOhPeng

    KopiOhPeng New Member

    Canadian Commander : Yes it was a catchy tune. Regretfully there's no trace. Could be pulled off by the record company (or the singer herself).
    Interrogator#6 : PFC must be the correct abbreviation. Thanks
    nailar783 : The song definitely came out in the late 1950's as the singer, Miyoshi Umeki, came into the limelight in the period - believe she was spotted by Arthur Godfrey and appeared regularly in his shows. The song itself harks back to WWII but was not recorded or released in that time frame. .
    My PC went AWOL hence this late posting.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  7. shanlung

    shanlung New Member

    Thank you for adding to this thread. As you can see, I am still searching for that song hoping against hope I can get to hear that again. It was some time ago I posted my search here. The thread then went into cold storage until you sauntered by 3 years later.

    I hold the red IC , which was why I came across that song many many years ago. I like to think that song was not just played in Singapore and would have been well received in about all other countries (other than North Korea) Perhaps that was sung during the Korean War when Japan was used as a staging area to move troops and stuff over to Korea.

    Strangely not a trace of that song can be found in Youtube and Lyrster. When you key in "half a million soldiers .. . ." into Google, you see the rest of the phrase pre shown for you, courtesy of me and my searches.

    Hopefully, one day may that song become live again for others to hear again.

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