The genre of alternative history was once on the outer fringe of fiction, but has come into its own right in recent years. Some are very plausible, others totally fanciful, and many in between. Personally, I am a fan of the works that are plausible and stick very close to actual history except for that one fateful turn. The more fanciful works can be fun, I guess, but aren't nearly as stimulating, imho. How about you? Do you have any particular authors, books, or series you enjoy? Thanks.
Yes. Yes, I can be a fan of 'alternative histories' if well done. That is to say I have read a few such novels which were so bad.... I still recall a marvelous tale entitled "Less Darkness Falls". It was written circa 1930s or 40s, before speculative fiction was distinguished from Science Fiction. It told the tale of an historian who gets to visit/live in the era of his study, the late Imperial Roman culture in the West. Speaking the language, though with a heavy accent, he manages to save the day by introducing one, then several, anacronisms. Then there was "Man in the High Tower" by Philip K the Dick. It postulates a world where the Axis won WWII due to the death of FDR by assasination in the mid-30s.
Me too, but the problem with me that of my tends to study parallelly - which not readily available by now and then.
I'm definitely a fan. We talked about the Amazon show "Man in the High Castle" in a previous post so I know where you're coming from. My favorite alerternative/parrallel history storyline is the graphic novel, "Red Son" it's a story where Superman doesn't land in the US but Russia aka the Soviet Union. It's pretty interesting the way it was laid out because SPOILER ALERT Batman was also Russian and Superman kept the socialist values all throughout the novel.
Say it ain't so, Vladimre. Having had Kal-el as the Son of the Red Sun as the Son of the Red, the Beautiful Peoples Soviet... well that would be Kransnya. Ochem horosho.