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What military cemeteries are you near?

Discussion in 'Memorials & Cemeteries' started by SabraO, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. SabraO

    SabraO New Member

    Here in San Antonio we have Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery; I am not certain whether it is as old as the post, but I think it is very near. My grandparents are buried there (as will my mother be, when she passes away).

    I learned quite by accident that there is another national cemetery in the city. If memory serves it is called San Antonio National Cemetery. Most of the graves in this one are circa 19th century.

    There is also a Confederate cemetery not too far from that national cemetery. Though a handful of people who fought in the Civil War are buried in SANC, far more are here of course.

    If anyone is interested (I realize it is a somewhat esoteric topic), I have a few photographs I can share of both cemeteries.
  2. aghart

    aghart Former Tank Commander Moderator

    Very few dedicated military cemeteries exist in the UK. Most military personell are buried in civilian cemeteries which may have a "military section" in it. Individuals who die whilst in British military service are entitled to a military headstone The nearest military cemetary to me is the Royal Navy cemetary at Portland in Dorset England. The nearest army cemetary to me is Tidworth Military Cemetary just outside Tidworth Garrison on Salisbury Plain
  3. GulfWarVet71

    GulfWarVet71 New Member

    I live quite close to Willamette National Cemetery. There are currently four Medal of Honor recipients buried here. The cemetery has been in operation since 1950 and the first burial was in 1951. My great aunt is the only family member currently buried here.
  4. aghart

    aghart Former Tank Commander Moderator

    I walked into the cemetary at Wareham, Dorset, England today during my lunch hour at work. There are a number of military graves, all WW1, all individuals who died in service in the Bovington area through accidents or other causes. There are a number of Australian graves, and every one had a small Australian flag placed by the headstone. Someone had put them there on Australia day recently. One individual took the time and effort to remember those who gave everything such a long time ago. A small act, but a huge message, I hope any aussie's on here read this, because I am a true blue Brit but seeing the Australian flag fluttering in the summer breeze at each and every Australian grave in this cemetary brought a lump to my throat. Your dead on our our soil "are" honoured and are remembered.
  5. pink ling

    pink ling New Member

    I live close to Sutton Veny where there is are Australian War Graves. On Australia Day there is always a memorial service attended by a member of the Australian army and the local school children put flowers on the graves. There are about 120 graves. Most died of influenza after the war and before they were able to get back to Australia.
  6. Lanae

    Lanae New Member

    In Cave Creek, Arizona there is the National Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Over thirty years ago, when I was a young child, the State of Arizona ran it. I am so grateful that the State no longer runs it at all. The reason why I say that I am glad is because when I would go and honor my Father with a visit, I personally would notice his head stone had changed.

    After going to the cemetery every Friday afternoon after school, I would notice the change on my Father's head stone as it occurred on more than four occasions. Of course I had mentioned it to the cemetery, but was never given a straight answer. Years later, after inquiring about the concern, Former President Bush Senior had done the dedication to the Memorial turning over to a National Memorial. It was then that I received an explanation to what I was seeing.

    I was told by one of the former employees of how the graves would be ran over by the tractors and the individuals running the cemetery at the time would fail to mention that they had caused the destruction of many head stones, and had to replace them. It came to me at no surprise, as I knew I was not seeing things. The issue that was so disturbing to me was the fact that the head stone would have inaccurate information on it. The name would be in abbreviation or misspelled, or the dates would be abbreviated, and where he had served would change. He was not even recognized as a Bronze Star or The Purple Heart!

    I must admit since after the change of hands from State to National made a huge impact on the type of care and respect our fellow family of soldiers and loved ones were given. They were making changes to the type of head stones due to the Desert dirt sinking them in the ground naturally over time. I had waited many years to final have my Father's head stone replaced and corrected the way it was to be at the beginning. The day came and my money was in my hand to have it be ordered.

    The greatest thing happened to me that day when I shared my story of why I was there in the first place. I explained to the gentleman at the cemetery why I was requesting a new head stone and that the information needed to be corrected. I mentioned his awards in which were not in the computer at the time. Thank goodness for the paper trail I must add. I said to the man, "I waited for the day when I could finally be here in person and with enough money in hand to finally fix my Father's head stone. It was my responsibility to make sure it was corrected as it is my duty to serve him." "I know it had been changed without my consent and would like it to be replaced, please." "I hope by doing this today, I never have to worry about it changing on me again!"

    The man paused for a minute, and then said this to me, " I will make sure these changes are fixed in the computer and will have him recognized for his awards he had received. I am so sorry that as a child how confusing this may have been for you. I will make sure we correct the errors on his head stone for you. There is no reason why you should have had to go through this at all, and I want you to know that we will cover the expenses for you. Please keep your money and take this gesture out of respect and love. It is always a daughters love that prevails."

    The Cemetery covered the cost of the replacement and the upgrade on behalf of my request. What a great gift they had given to me. It was such a wonderful experience for me knowing that while some things in life can be cruel or ignorant, there is good for one another and love for the ones that have a complete understanding of what it is like to be without. The Sister and Brotherhood we all have as Veterans is a special kind of love and that I am grateful for. A special "Thank You" to all that workers that dedicate themselves to our National Cemeteries. Also, "Thank You" for staying opened even when the Government decided to shut down!

    This has truly become a really nice National Veteran Memorial.
  7. Yorf

    Yorf New Member

    I live close to a cemetary and a memorial that was made for the german soldiers that fell on finnish soil during world war 2. It's been estimated that around 15000 german soldiers fell here, most of them have been buried on the russian grounds but there are a few cemetaries here for them also. They made a memorial up in Lapland in their honour. I've yet to visit myself, but my father has and told me I should go too.

    SAMAYUK New Member

    I live in South East Kent, England (just 5 miles from Dover port) we have many, many memorials and there is Shorncliffe Military Cemetery about 25 mins from me, across the road from my house is Deal, Cemeteries that holds 178 military headstones ( i have pictures of them all) I also travel to France/Belgium regular and have hundreds of photos from Brittany in the south to Gent in the north.
  9. aghart

    aghart Former Tank Commander Moderator

    There are two WWI Tank Corps graves in Bournemouth, England. Around 20th November (The anniversary of the battle of Cambrai) I place a tribute to show they are not forgotten.

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