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Indian units listed by CWGC ... WW1

Discussion in 'World War 1' started by liverpool annie, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    This is some list ...... I am stunned at how many there are ..... !!

    1st Brahmans (119)
    1st Duke of York's Lancers (Skinner's Horse) (34)
    1st Kashmir (Imperial Service) Mountain Artillery (25)
    1st Kashmir Infantry (2)
    1st Kashmir Infantry (Raghu Partab Regiment) (19)
    1st King George's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment) (627)
    1st King George's Own Sappers and Miners (269)
    1st Patiala Infantry (22)
    1st Queen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides (F.F.) (Lumsden's) (19)
    1st Rifle Regiment, Nepalese Contingent (38)
    2nd Kashmir Rifles (Body Guard Regiment) (107)
    2nd King Edward's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles) (763)
    2nd Lancers (Gardner's Horse) (87)
    2nd Queen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides (F.F.) (Lumsden's) (5)
    2nd Queen Victoria's Own Rajput Light Infantry (313)
    2nd Queen Victoria's Own Sappers and Miners (307)
    3rd Brahmans (140)
    3rd Gaur Brahmans (23)
    3rd Kashmir Rifles (Raghunath Regiment) (52)
    3rd Lancers (Skinner's Horse) (91)
    3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifles (736)
    3rd Sappers and Miners (544)
    4th Gurkha Rifles (723)
    4th Indian Cavalry (43)
    4th Prince Albert Victor's Rajputs (157)
    5th Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) (544)
    5th Indian Cavalry (51)
    5th Light Infantry (229)
    6th Gurkha Rifles (410)
    6th Jat Light Infantry (298)
    6th King Edward's Own Cavalry (85)
    7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs (493)
    7th Gurkha Rifles (633)
    7th Hariana Lancers (128)
    8th Gurkha Rifles (721)
    8th Indian Cavalry (37)
    8th Rajputs (200)
    9th Bhopal Infantry (485)
    9th Gurkha Rifles (544)
    9th Hodson's Horse (55)
    10th Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers (Hodson's Horse) (93)
    10th Gurkha Rifles (616)
    10th Jats (217)
    11th Gurkha Rifles (65)
    11th King Edward's Own Lancers (Probyn's Horse) (67)
    11th Rajputs (313)
    12th Indian Cavalry (51)
    12th Indian Pioneers (Kelat-i-Ghilzie Regiment) (126)
    13th Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers (Watson's Horse) (49)
    13th Rajputs (Shekhawati Regiment) (112)
    14th King George's Own Ferozepore Sikhs (443)
    14th Murray's Jat Lancers (100)
    15th Lancers (Cureton's Multani's) (82)
    15th Ludhiana Sikhs (257)
    16th Indian Cavalry (117)
    16th Rajputs (Lucknow Regiment) (383)
    17th Indian Cavalry (51)
    17th Indian Infantry (Loyal Regiment) (108)
    18th Indian Infantry (83)
    18th King George's Own Lancers (83)
    19th Lancers (Fane's Horse) (72)
    19th Punjabis (279)
    20th Deccan Horse (124)
    20th Duke of Cambridge's Own Infantry (Brownlow's Punjabis) (262)
    21st Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry (F.F.) (Daly's Horse) (91)
    21st Punjabis (156)
    22nd Punjabis (444)
    22nd Sam Browne's Cavalry (Frontier Force) (67)
    23rd Indian Cavalry (Frontier Force) (100)
    23rd Sikh Pioneers (136)
    24th Punjabis (410)
    25th Indian Cavalry (Frontier Force) (85)
    25th Punjabis (128)
    26th King George's Own Light Cavalry (53)
    26th Punjabis (130)
    27th Indian Light Cavalry (105)
    27th Punjabis (190)
    28th Indian Light Cavalry (73)
    28th Punjabis (338)
    29th Lancers (Deccan Horse) (132)
    29th Punjabis (227)
    30th Lancers (Gordon's Horse) (80)
    30th Punjabis (327)
    31st Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers (126)
    31st Punjabis (100)
    32nd Lancers (85)
    32nd Sikh Pioneers (92)
    33rd Punjabis (166)
    33rd Queen Victoria's Own Light Cavalry (104)
    34th Prince Albert Victor's Own Poona Horse (127)
    34th Sikh Pioneers (303)
    35th Scinde Horse (41)
    35th Sikhs (290)
    36th Jacob's Horse (117)
    36th Sikhs (217)
    37th Dogras (219)
    37th Lancers (Baluch Horse) (71)
    38th Dogras (123)
    38th King George's Own Central India Horse (99)
    39th Garhwal Rifles (683)
    39th King George's Own Central India Horse (27)
    40th Indian Cavalry Regiment (12)
    40th Pathans (199)
    41st Dogras (257)
    41st Indian Cavalry Regiment (13)
    42nd Deoli Regiment (183)
    42nd Indian Cavalry Regiment (12)
    43rd Erinpura Regiment (57)
    44th Indian Cavalry Regiment (1)
    44th Merwara Infantry (139)
    45th Rattray's Sikhs (327)
    46th Punjabis (126)
    47th Sikhs (263)
    48th Indian Pioneers (501)
    49th Bengalis (61)
    50th Kumaon Rifles (63)
    51st Sikhs (Frontier Force) (367)
    52nd Sikhs (Frontier Force) (214)
    53rd Sikhs (Frontier Force) (272)
    54th Sikhs (Frontier Force) (198)
    55th Coke's Rifles (Frontier Force) (220)
    56th Punjabi Rifles (Frontier Force) (464)
    57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force) (255)
    58th Vaughan's Rifles (Frontier Force) (418)
    59th Scinde Rifles (Frontier Force) (355)
    61st King George's Own Pioneers (167)
    62nd Punjabis (168)
    63rd Palamcottah Light Infantry (69)
    64th Pioneers (97)
    66th Punjabis (424)
    67th Punjabis (286)
    69th Punjabis (212)
    70th Burma Rifles, Indian Army (38)
    71st Punjabis (40)
    72nd Punjabis (174)
    73rd Carnatic Infantry (37)
    73rd Malabar Infantry (1)
    74th Punjabis (94)
    75th Carnatic Infantry (60)
    76th Punjabis (386)
    79th Carnatic Infantry (40)
    80th Carnatic Infantry (67)
    81st Pioneers (149)
    82nd Punjabis (332)
    83rd Wallajahbad Light Infantry (124)
    84th Punjabis (120)
    85th Burma Rifles, Indian Army (6)
    86th Carnatic Infantry (63)
    87th Punjabis (234)
    88th Carnatic Infantry (47)
    89th Punjabis (291)
    90th Punjabis (184)
    91st Punjabis (Light Infantry) (187)
    92nd Punjabis (264)
    93rd Burma Infantry, Indian Army (201)
    94th Russell's Infantry (210)
    95th Russell's Infantry (90)
    96th Berar Infantry (87)
    97th Deccan Infantry (276)
    98th Indian Infantry (390)
    99th Deccan Infantry (264)
    101st Indian Grenadiers (327)
    102nd King Edward's Own Grenadiers (356)
    103rd Mahratta Light Infantry (545)
    104th Wellesley's Rifles (523)
    105th Mahratta Light Infantry (450)
    106th Hazara Pioneers (59)
    107th Indian Pioneers (242)
    108th Indian Infantry (121)
    109th Indian Infantry (159)
    110th Mahratta Light Infantry (431)
    111th Mahars (11)
    112th Indian Infantry (304)
    113th Indian Infantry (462)
    114th Mahrattas (184)
    116th Mahrattas (167)
    117th Mahrattas (386)
    119th Indian Infantry (Mooltan Regiment) (558)
    120th Rajputana Infantry (640)
    121st Indian Pioneers (131)
    122nd Rajputana Infantry (238)
    123rd Outram's Rifles (451)
    124th Duchess of Connaught's Own Baluchistan Infantry (518)
    125th Napier's Rifles (295)
    126th Baluchistan Infantry (159)
    127th Queen Mary's Own Baluch Light Infantry (192)
    128th Indian Pioneers (124)
    129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis (296)
    130th King George's Own Baluchis (Jacob's Rifles) (204)
    140th Patiala Infantry (1)
    142nd Jodhpur Infantry, Indian States Forces (17)
    145th Alwar Infantry (1)
    150th Indian Infantry (207)
    151st Indian Infantry (56)
    151st Punjab Rifles (10)
    151st Sikh Infantry (13)
    152nd Indian Infantry (15)
    152nd Punjabis (94)
    153rd Indian Infantry (9)
    153rd Punjabis (55)
    153rd Rifles (27)
    154th Indian Infantry (60)
    155th Indian Infantry (6)
    155th Indian Pioneers (23)
    Aden Artillery (1)
    Aden Railway (5)
    Aden Troop, Indian Army (3)
    Alwar Infantry (29)
    Alwar Lancers (12)
    Anglo Indian Force (10)
    Army Bearer Corps (1345)
    Army Hospital Corps (495)
    Assam Military Police (198)
    Assam Rifles (100)
    Bahawalpur Mounted Rifles and Camel Transport (22)
    Bangalore Volunteer Rifles (2)
    Benares State Ambulance Transport Corps (2)
    Bengal North Western Railway (1)
    Bharatpur (Imperial Service) Transport Corps (83)
    Bharatpur Infantry (104)
    Bhavnagar Lancers (5)
    Bhopal Victoria Lancers (25)
    Bihar Labour Corps (17)
    Bikaner Camel Corps (1)
    Bikaner Sadul Light Infantry, Indian States Forces (25)
    Bombay Volunteer Artillery (3)
    Bombay Volunteer Rifles (2)
    Bullock Corps (611)
    Burma Labour Corps (3)
    Burma Military Police (783)
    Burma Railways (1)
    Burma Sappers and Miners, Indian Army (8)
    Bushire Light Railway (1)
    Calcutta Volunteer Rifles (6)
    Camel Corps (592)
    Corps of Guides and Interpreters, Indian Army (3)
    Department of the Judge Advocate General In India (1)
    Euphrates Levy (1)
    Faridkot Imperial Service Sappers (30)
    Followers Central Depot (1135)
    Frontier Garrison Artillery (3)
    Ganga Risala Bikaner (32)
    Governor's Body Guard, Indian Army (1)
    Gwalior Infantry (72)
    Gwalior Lancers (2)
    Gwalior Transport Corps (37)
    Hyderabad Lancers (42)
    I.A.M.L. Accounts Department (2)
    Idar Sardars Corps (1)
    Indian Army (114)
    Indian Army Chaplains' Department (1)
    Indian Army General List (1)
    Indian Army Medical Corps (39)
    Indian Army Postal Service (20)
    Indian Army Remount Department (180)
    Indian Army Reserve of Officers (333)
    Indian Army Sanitary Section (2)
    Indian Army Signal Units (23)
    Indian Army Unattached List (20)
    Indian Civil Service (1)
    Indian Civil Veterinary Department (1)
    Indian Coast Artillery (7)
    Indian Defence Force (33)
    Indian Defence Force Artillery (5)
    Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment (1)
    Indian Engineers (7)
    Indian Government Stationery Department (1)
    Indian Hospital Corps (11)
    Indian Labour Corps (6561)
    Indian Machine Gun Corps (58)
    Indian Medical Department (70)
    Indian Medical Service (122)
    Indian Merchant Service (1841)
    Indian Military Works Services (512)
    Indian Miscellaneous List (9)
    Indian Mountain Artillery (672)
    Indian Ordnance Department (201)
    Indian Police Force (68)
    Indian Political Department (17)
    Indian Postal and Telegraph Department (474)
    Indian Railway Corps (31)
    Indian Railway Department (1903)
    Indian Railways (275)
    Indian Royal Artillery (1260)
    Indian Signal Corps (305)
    Indian Subordinate Medical Department (32)
    Indian Survey Department (60)
    Indian Telegraph (6)
    Indian Veterinary Corps (174)
    Indian Volunteer Corps (5)
    Indo-European Telegraphic Department (2)
    Indore Mounted Escort (6)
    Indore Transport Corps (36)
    Inland Water Transport, Royal Engineers (1966)
    Jaipur Transport Corps (128)
    Jind Infantry (121)
    Jodhpur (Imperial Service) Lancers (53)
    Jodhpur Lancers, Indian States Forces (3)
    Junagadh Lancers (1)
    Kapurthala Infantry (Jagatjit Regiment) (67)
    Kashmir Lancers (4)
    Khairpur Mounted Rifles and Camel Corps (5)
    Labour Company United Provinces (6)
    Labour Directorate (2)
    Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Rifles (2)
    Madras Artillery Volunteers (15)
    Madras Guards, Auxiliary Force (India) (1)
    Madras Volunteer Force (3)
    Mahindra Dal Regiment, Nepalese Contingent (21)
    Malay States Guides, Indian Army (36)
    Maler-Kotla Imperial Service Sappers (22)
    Maxim Gun Section, Indian Army (4)
    Military Accounts Department, India (39)
    Military Farms Department (1)
    Military Grass and Diary Farm (1)
    Military Police and Levies (407)
    Military Railway (5)
    Mule Corps (3235)
    Mysore Imperial Service Troops (1)
    Mysore Lancers (42)
    Mysore Transport Corps (23)
    Nabha Infantry (6)
    Naga Hills Military Police (2)
    Navanagar Lancers, Ind I S C (18)
    North West Frontier Province Police (1)
    Palestine Railway Construction Company (14)
    Patiala (Rajindra) Lancers (23)
    Patiala Infantry (64)
    Pony Corps (10)
    Port Construction (6)
    Port Directorate (18)
    Public Works Department (3)
    Queen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides (F.F.) (Lumsden's) (5)
    Queen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides Cavalry (F.F.) (Lumsden's) (30)
    Queen Victoria's Own Corps of Guides Infantry (F.F.) (Lumsden's) (245)
    Quetta Cadet Corps (1)
    Rampur Infantry (15)
    Rangoon Volunteer Regiment (1)
    Royal Engineers, Auxiliary Force (India) (1)
    Royal Garrison Artillery, Indian Army (196)
    Royal Horse and Field Artillery, Indian Army (836)
    Royal Indian Marine (517)
    Sappers and Miners, Indian States Forces (13)
    Sardar Risala Jodhpur Lancers (67)
    Sirmur Imperial Service Sapper Corps (82)
    Southern Provinces Mounted Rifles (1)
    Supply and Transport Corps (3775)
    Syce Corps (25)
    Tehri Imperial Service Sappers (25)
    Works Directorate (39)
  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Unlike British regiments, which were made up of two or more battalions, amost all the aboveunits only had one battalion. Even then, most of the Indian battalions were smaller than their British counterparts.
  3. DRANG

    DRANG New Member

    Also the Indian Divisions which fought in Mesopotamia in WWI:
    12th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th Indian, 3rd (Lahore), 6th (Poona), 7th (Meerut).
  4. DancingLady

    DancingLady Member

    I had no idea there were Indian soldiers involved in WWI. I guess that would make sense since they were part of the British Empire at the time. Maybe that was just briefly mentioned in like one sentence in my history classes and so I forgot all about it. That is quite a number of people who ended up dying in a war that they probably had no way of understanding.
  5. Diptangshu

    Diptangshu Active Member

    What would have happened to the Allied forces, had they fought without the support of colonial Indian sub continent, for Both the Wars .... any study, guess etc. ? !

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