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liverpool annie
Last Activity:
Dec 7, 2009
Aug 7, 2008
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liverpool annie

New Member

liverpool annie was last seen:
Dec 7, 2009
    1. Geert De Backer
      Geert De Backer
      Hello Annie, Joseph lies on the Flanders Field American Cemetery,
      He lived in Brooklyn, NY. On May 8th 1916 Joseph joined the 23rd Infantry Regiment New York National Guard. Commander J. Scharm organized the Adopt-a-Grave Program. I adopted the grave of Sgt. Beattie. I hope you can help me with information. Maybe I can find some relatives.
      Thx for a reaction. Geert (mail:
    2. danwillis
      Hi Annie,
      Let me introduce myself first, I am the eldest grandson of Lt Frank Alberry DCM I actually grew up with him next door until his death but at least he saw me married in 1967. I have known his stories all my life and due to a family cousin of my father his story would have never reached this forum (the man's name is Jim Prendergast)
      I am in the process of working with the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia looking for records of his brother Dr Gordon Alberry who was one of the 1st flying doctors that worked for flynn who started the RFDS.
      Sincerly Dan Willis
      PS can you tell me your story about the Alberry family
    3. Locker Lamson's Army
      Locker Lamson's Army
      Hello Annie,
      Re WW1 tanks - is there a good reference book on WW1 British Armoured cars? My father served with the Machine Gun Corps in Mesopotamia (Iraq) where he had his 18th birthday and was promoted to sergeant on the same day. They had 2 types of armoured cars - one was an Austin and the other was Rolls Royce. I klnow a little about the vehicles from what my father said, but if you know of a reference book could you let me know please?
      Locker Lamson's Army
    4. cally
      Hi Annie - As I have said in my PM to you, I too have received 2 of these nasty little PMs.

      The worrying thing is that it means the site has obviously been hacked into or else a guest would not have been able to PM everybody.

      I see you have not been in the forum for almost a fortnight so I hope you are well my friend.
    5. John
      Hi Annie, How do I find our ww1 website and also what was my sign in ??? When I got the new computer and had it set up they never put our ww1 back on my set.
      Regards and thanks
      John Rice
    6. rugbyremembers
      I have now received another message that purports to come from a Forum administrator, who is clearly nothing of the sort as ID says Junior member. Here is the text of the message:

      [LadyXAdmin]Dear, rugbyremembers!

      A virus alert was noticed on your computer.
      We highly recommend you to check your computer and perform online virus check at our site immediately:
      Sincerely, Forum Administration

      I worry that it is so easy for dangerous spam and virus links to be posted - two in a week. I have AVG security and you cannot run a virus check on a remote site as they suggest. I subscribe to several WW1 forums and have not had this problem elsewhere. I do not know Wise one mentioned below, but you are the most familiar name and frequent poster on this site, so if you can alert any technical guru, that would be really helpful.
    7. Carl Hoehler
      Carl Hoehler
      Sent this PM to the Wise One

      O wise one
      Got a very bad PM from a GUEST with one of those links that tell you your PC is infected with a virus.
      I use Kaspersky Internet Security.
      Carl Hoehler

    8. Corisande

      You have a nutter loose sorlley811 - has sent that virus to me too!
    9. rugbyremembers
      Sorry Annie that should be sorlley811
    10. rugbyremembers
      Annie, I believe you may be amoderator/ adminsitrator

      I have reason to believe that a new member sorlley11 is a spammer/scammer as I have just received a PM ( as have 4/5 others from what I can see) that is clearly malicious. I have left it in my inbox if you can see. If not let me know and i will cut and paste to you
    11. John Davies
      John Davies
      Done it again
    12. John Davies
      John Davies
      Hi Annie. Thanks for all your help on 75th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Have just returned from France, what a humbling experience, I will post details on my thread if anyone wishes to read. Regards John Davies.
    13. gannon1976
      hi liverpool annie, im new to this site, found it very interesting, because to be honest i know nothing about both wars.(never studied history in school either)but now that im getting older im finding things interesting, and to start with, im tracing some history from my dads side of the family, i found out that francis gannon srg, he is my grandads brother, i would like to know some more about him, if you should be able to help me i would be grateful. thank you kindly
    14. Tonym
      Hello Annie

      Your post re- Sister Ignatus. Do you have any more details and is she commemorated by CWGC? I have tried ROACH, which I assume is her family name but no luck. Grateful for your assistance.
      Regards, Tony
    15. John Davies
      John Davies
      Thanks for your help on 75th Brigade Royal Field Artillery. John.
    16. JAVDBERG
      Hello annie,
      I still don't understand how it is working. At this moment I am in Gallipoli- Turkey.
      It is raining for 4 days now. 30 people died of floats. Did you find something for me? I was in the warmuseum and saw a high delegation of very high officers one General. I asked if they could help me and everybody was shocked I spoke with them!! No no you can't asked questions! Than I daid my grandfather was here and was a POW. More shocked. So I told them he came back so everybody was more relaxed than. A gard of the museum translated everything for them. The general couldn't speak english! So there will be two soldiers (graduated students) will look for me to help from Turkey their english was excellent. One was gratuated in English Litarature. But do you know more for me. Kind regards from Gallipoli. I wil gothe day after tomorrow to the battlefields and cemetries.
      Jacqueline van den Berg
    17. Andy Pay
      Andy Pay
      Hi Annie,
      Off again tonight, this time going down to the Rouen/Le Havre area to start then working my way back up the coast to Abbeville and if time permits quickly over to Amiens for a day and night before coming home. Intended places to visit to try and finish this RB headstone project off is Abbeville, St. Sever and Bois Guilluame in Rouen, Ste. Marie in Le Havre, Etretat and Le Treport for the military cemetery and Mont Huon which is just outside the town, then to Amiens to have a look at a couple of areas of interest.
      If you need any headstone pictures from any of these let me know today, last minute trip, as I am on the 0400 ferry tomorrow god unearthly time, case of taking the holiday or losing it. It's very pretty along that stretch of coast so looking forward to it, back about midnight on Monday.

    18. JAVDBERG
      hello Liverpool Annie,
      I'm very new in this forum so I do not know how it works yet. I'm Dutch but my mother is english. Married in de 2WW with my father a dutch soldier in England. My grandfather was in the WW1 as a private leaving in 1915 to Gallipoli and 1916 mesopotamia. he was wounded and a POW in Mesopotamia. Nobody in the family knows something about him during the WW1. I'm searching and I was in june 1 week in the Nat. Archives in Kew. With help I found his numbers.
      priv. 7902 7th N.Staff.Reg. and afterwards sapper 357208 of the royal Engineers.
      I want to know were he was in prison. I leave in september to Gallipoli. I want to write a storey about him if possible. He was out of the army in oct. 1919.
      His name:
      George henri william Bibby, living in Stoke on Trent at that time. Do you know how I can find more about him? I have the cd with the regimentstorey of the Staff.Reg. I went to Lichfield to the barracks.
      Hope to hear from you
      Jacqueline v.d.Berg from Holland
    19. rolist
      A silly question – how does one post a new post – not reply – new one

    20. Golden Wattle
      Golden Wattle
      Hi Annie,
      Did you forget to log off, or can't sleep?
