Our village website has just published a document about our village and in the small section pertaining to out two war memorials it indicates that...
If I have put this in the wrong place, please move it appropriately. Is Douglas Bader a suitable candidate for a plinth in Trafalgar Square too?...
I hope I've put this in the correct bit! This incredible man finished the London Marathon earlier today nearly two weeks after starting, and after...
Again referring to Wartime Britain 1939 - 1945 by Juliet Gardiner I have been trying to imagine what the sound of 200 German bombers (plus heavy...
I am still only half way through Juliet Gardiner's Wartime Britain 1939-1945. She has previously discussed the perceived threat of invasion by...
Liverpool Annie's gone all yellow which I hope is recognition for her stupendous efforts both here and WW1Talk. I am in awe Annie....
I unreservedly apologise if I have got this wrong. Was this really a racist joke BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Jason 'sorry' for Pakistani joke...
Not many sports that I don't enjoy (watching that is) but Cricket generally bores me to death. This therefore amused me:- BBC NEWS | World |...
Happy Birthday David. I hope you enjoy a long and happy retirement. You'll have to wait for the rest to arrive for the cake and balloons!!!
David's thread "Something I Will Share With You" reminded me of the naughtiest things that I remember doing and made me wonder about others. I was...
I couldn't find the original thread but isn't it great that so many have offered to help and that the council will probably have to reverse the...
This is one of the reasons that I haven't been around much lately! She is not really a dog, just an ultra efficient food processing machine,...
I know in my heart that this has to be the right thing to do. I totally accept all of the arguments about it being an affront to both humanity and...
I'll have to leave the candles and cakes to the others but sincere wishes for a very Happy Birthday.
My brother was bemoaning the current financial situation - no doubt in his mind as to where the fault lies - and then I was sent this ....... "The...
Which would you prefer? BBC NEWS | England | Northamptonshire | Staff needed for £2m lakes centre OR BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific |...
Kyt I think you published a Time Line of WW2 somewhere else (in a previous life). Has anybody got anything similar for WW1? I feel a bit daunted...
I am always intrigued by members' choices of Avatars & Signatures. Some of you have pre-empted my question by explaining but would other members...
Missed Christmas and New Year!!! Hope you all had a good one. Avoid anyone with that 'flu. It truly is the plague!!! First proper day up...
Is there a reason why we are now required to sign in rather than just being able to browse? I used to just have a quick look if I was passing the...
Separate names with a comma.