10th August 1944

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by sniper, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    In the Canadian 1st Army sector, the 49th Division (British I Corps) and the Canadian II Corps advance towards Vimont, meeting with tough resistance. In Brittany units of the American VIII Corps continue their operations against Dinard and St Malo, Brest and Lorient. To the south, units of the 4th Armoured Division enter Nantes and reach Loire. In the US XV Corps sector armoured columns continue the advance towards Alencon
    In the Avranches-Mortain sector the US VII Corps now takes the initiative and the German Divisions begin to slowly withdraw to the east.
    The Allies open the first phase of the air operations in preparation for Operation Dragoon (formerly Anvil), the landing of Allied forces in the south of France.
    Eastern Front
    A lull along a great part of the front. The Polish patriots in Warsaw still have to bear the weight of German repression by themselves. The Russians ignore their request to give at least some air support. The patriots now ask London for help. Troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front force the crossing of the river Narew near Bialystok.
    New Guinea
    On Numfoor Island parachutists of the 503rd Regiment make contact again with Japanese south-south west of Inasi, and try to surround them.
    Several hundred Japanese have been killed during mopping up operations. In the fierce fighting for the cpature of the island the Americans have lost 1,400 killed. The Japanese have lost over 10,000 according to official figures, thoughsince the number of troops manning the island was over 15,000, their losses may have been higher.

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