11th August 1944

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by sniper, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    In Brittany the German garrison at Dinard and St Malo hold out resolutely against attacks of the units of the 83rd Division (US VIII Corps). In the American VII Corps (1st Army) sector the 30th and 35th Divisions close in on Mortain and the German forces there are in difficulties. Field Marsahl Von Kluge, Commander-in-Chief in the Western, puts the suggestion to Hitler that three armoured divisions be withdrawn from Motain salient to put in a counter attack from west to east on the flank of the US XV Corps. The Fuhreer agrees in principle, but he is anxious not to give up the offensive at Avranches and so authorizes only a partial withdrawal of troops from the Mortain area.
    Italian Front
    The first convoys carrying the assault forces on Operation Dragoon sails from Naples
    Eastern Front
    Suddenly resuming the offensive in the Northern sector, the 3rd Baltic Front breaches the German lines south of Lake Peipus over a front of about 45 miles, and spreads out northwards. Hitler's obstinacy has now ensured that his Army Group North will be isolated from the main body of the German army.

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