'77 Photo of SS Dr. Heim? MFS Markus Wolf?

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by rickahyatt, Jul 14, 2008.


Will this disclosure result in the largest ever voter turnout?

  1. Yes, a Royal Flush of all three branches.

    0 vote(s)
  2. No, Congress will stay corrupt & run by the Enemy.

    0 vote(s)
  3. No, it will be covered-up, for Red China is about to attack

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes, for Red China is too devastated by "Weather events" to do anything at all.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. rickahyatt

    rickahyatt Guest

    Yes, I've had this 30 year old photo of they, myself and several other spies in my back pocket all this time. EGIS (MFS) "Master Spy Wolf so elusive that the West didn't have a photo of him until after the wall fell?"
    It has long been rumored that SS Concentration Camp Dr. "Death" Aribert Heim has been protected by the CIA - And it's true! Of the many in my Photo Album there, for very specific counter-espionage reasons to be revealed now, before this next vital election.
    What will shock even you hardened veterans is that Dr. Heim apparently trained an assassination team with his methods (I was the bait that lured them out), and this couple since then has provided a "Sexual Political Embarrassment Service" for the high-ranking corrupt.
    Well, you know they were then blackmailed, and counter-run by the Enemy... WHY Congress is SO screwed up at this strategic point.
    But the Washington Post is apparently warming the people up for the news...
    Cut&Paste this around for me, would you? Thanks.
    As a life-long member of Espionage, I am glad that the timing has come to the fore on this matter, for it represents something FAR GREATER than the average person would see at the surface.
    As Condit's "Sexual Political Disposal Service For Hire" gets out, it will result in the LARGEST VOTER TURNOUT IN AMERICAN HISTORY.
    How can I know this? For in that my entire US Army Military Career, 30 years of it, has been dedicated to going to ground with what I witnessed them do, how they did it, and who they did it for, back then - And then to independently "Shout it from the rooftops," now.
    Of course, there were other major secrets to keep, too.
    But that timing is now nigh, and the proof is at:
    Espionage matters: The life-long link between Dr. "Death" Aribert Heim, Gary Condit, and Rick A. Hyatt, where you can see my Espionage Album, and also at Gary Condit's Victims-For-Hire Photo Gallery - People I've known - a set on Flickr where I have a Condit-Specific Album that gets even deeper.
    I think the Washington Post articles, to be followed by ones about Jonbennet Ramsey, are just a way of getting the American People "Warmed up."

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