9th August 1942

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by sniper, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Solomen Islands
    After their heavy defeat in the night battle the Americans hastily withdraw their amphibious and air support groups, taking with them 2,000 men and more than half the supplies for 60 days for the landing force. The 17,000 Marines already landed are left to fend for themselves on the various islands, The 11,000 Marines on Guadacanal consolidate thier bridgehead and get to work to complete an airfield. Other parties occupy the small islands of Mbangai, Kokomtambu and Makambo.
    New Guinea
    The Austrailian General Sydney F Powell takes over command of Allied Forces in New Guinea.
    Eastern Front
    German Army Group A captures the oilfields at Maykop and Krasnodar in the Caucasus.
    Mahatma Gandhi
    Mahatma Gandhi and all members of the Congress Working Committee arrested.

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