9th August 1944

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by sniper, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    The Canadian II Corps continues to advance along the road that leads from Caen to Falaise. The offensive by the divisions of the American VIII Corps (3rd Army) continues throughout Brittany - the 6th Armoured Division at Brest, the 83rd Division at St Malo (where German resistance is by now confined to the citadel) and the 4th Armoured Division at Lorient. From Le Mans the division of the XV Corps move south towards Alencon. In the Avranches sector the Germans counter-offensive loses some of its imputus, though there is still violent fighting.
    New Guinea
    All Japanese action ceases in the Aitape area.
    The Americans continue mopping up in the northern part of the island. The Japanese units isolated in the extreme north will fight to the death rather than surrender.
    Burma - China
    On the Salween front the Japanese carry out successful raid against artillery emplacements and supply dumps in the Chinese 8th Army sector of Sung Shan. In China, following the defeat at Hengyang, Marshall Li Chi-shen, President of the Military Consultative Committee, tells an American consul that the Eastern Chinese 'war lords' are about to set up a provisional goverment of national unity to drive out the Japanese invader. The new goverment will demand Chiang Kia-shek's resignation. The American reaction to this is anxiously awaited.

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