A New Hobby

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by Wise1, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    Having thought long and hard about coming up with something to drag me away from the pc at wifes request because I spent too long here I have found one, Riding! Here is my new mount. Complete with 10 year old daughter holding on in case she falls of the stationary mount! :noidea:

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  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    OMG - I hope that's a motorbike and you ain't just pleased to see me :peep:

    The little one has every right to be petrified - but it maybe the squirrel sneaking up on her on the fence :)

    Nice bike - what's the spec etc?
  3. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Squirrel? That looks like a skunk. Might explain the look on Little Wisener's face!

    Hope you enjoy the bike although I don't think the wind through your hair will achieve much...:bolt:
  4. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

  5. Brian S

    Brian S Guest


    Perhaps fishing would have been a better compromise.

    1. The Ladies are not too keen to keep you company.

    2. Being on the River or Lake Bank alone would mean you could have a Laptop with a Wireless modem to fill in the blank moments.

    3. Softer landing if you fall off.

    4. Just me being devious.
  6. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Lee only purchased to save money on Petrol.
  7. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    There could be some truth in that :)
  8. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    :) nice idea, however there is a downside, wife would be expecting me to catch fish and cook dinner, so no!
  9. Ferhilt

    Ferhilt New Member

    Nice bike Lee :) My wife would never let me get one *sigh*
  10. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Awww look at the cute ickle 125CC bike!!!!!!!
  11. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    I'm told that when we get to "a certain age" men opt for motorbikes when approaching 40 and women, open top cars when approaching 60. I wonder what that means??????
  12. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    I'd prefer the Blackbird at 30 and the MG TC at 40 cheers
  13. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    Its a start for me, going to do the theory test next, which is a pain that you have to do that even though I have a full driving license but you need to do it. Then my A2 restricted test and I can get a bigger bike :)

    Passed my basic training today so quite pleased with that. You certainly have to jump through hoops these days to get on a bike!
  14. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Certainly a bit harder than, er, throwing your leg over...
  15. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    Getting there now :)

    So I did my CBT training on the 27th August, its a 1 day safety day everyone has to do now before legally driving a 125 on the road and I passed it.

    Had to do the theory test and passed it on the 2nd Sept.

    I am now doing a short DAS, which is 15 hours of training before the test. I have to do 5 hours on a 125cc, already done 4 hours so just 1 to go. then I use the Schools 500cc bike for the final 10 hours and go for the test right after.

    Once I get through that I can drive whatever I like :)
  16. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Interesting. Here you have to ride a bike under 500cc for a certain period of time after getting your licence before you can "upgrade".
  17. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    They have something similiar here, its called the A2 licence, that prevents you from riding a bike that outputs more than 33 Brake Horse Power for 2 years.

    Before you can do the DAS course that I am on you must be at least 21 years old, for that I do meet the requirement by more than 15 years :(
  18. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    I passed my test last month, so dont have the 125 any more, got this instead.

    Attached Files:

  19. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    Bad photo, try these

    Attached Files:

  20. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Bet that big throbbing......nope I don't think I should continue :becky:

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