Battle of Rennell Island: Transports

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by farne230, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. farne230

    farne230 New Member

    In short the Battle of Rennell Island occured in the South Pacific-January 29-30, 1943. It all started with the idea the Japanease navel command was going to attempt to retake Guadalcanal again, but in reality due to economic reasons back home the build up was to evacuate the remaining troops from Guadalcanal. On January 27th 1943 the US ordered the much needed reinforcements to Guadalcanal under the name of TF 62.8, consisting of four transports "Crescent City, President Adams, President Hays, & Present Jackson" and four destroyers (which I wonder does anyone here know their names). This group was to replace the tired out 2nd marines and reinforce Henderson field defense and add troops to General Patch's campeign to rid the island of the remaining Japanease. As noted, the US believed the Japanease were going to retake Henderson airfield. This troop landing would be screened by the larges task force that could be musterd in the South Pacific at this time; six major task forces under the command of Rear Admral Robert C. Giffen, Task Force GEORGE.

    In short these major TF left from differant ports and were going to not only screen the safe arrival of TF62.8, but destroy any Japanease vessels in their patch. They were to meet up with a destroyer group just south of Guadalcanal and head north up the straights taking out the last of the Japanese navy in the area. In short Griffen's task force was spread out and Griffen's lack of experience against air attacks effected the sucess of this mission. On January 29th Japanese dive-bombers damaged and with a later attack sunk the heavy cruiser Chicago and damaged the destroyer La Vallett.
    You can read the details in the attached article. What is interesting is this battle occured at night. In the end Griffen turn his fleet and returned to safe port and the TF62.8 was on their own. Luckly the Japanese attention was on the main fleet and not the transports.

    What I am interested in and could use some help on is anyone who can help identify the four destroyers who screened the transports, deck logs if available to identify which units were on these transports and destroyers (if any). My father was part of the 214th CA(AA), and according to this article attached his regiment arrived with this TF62.8 and landed on January 30, 1943 on Guadalcanal. If you have any information, please post.

    Attached Files:

  2. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    Have found lots of mentions of TF 62.8 yet as for the Destroyers they are not named, the transports were, Cresent City, President Adams, President Hays, Pesident Jackson,
    the main Task Force 18, had eight Destroyers. The troops were under command Major General A A Vandegrift.
    Will keep a eye out for anything more
  3. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    These were the four destroyers:

    Waller (DD-466), Chevalier (DD-451), La Vallette (DD-448) and Edwards (DD-691)

    La Vallette was torpedoed and 22 killed.
  4. farne230

    farne230 New Member

    Spidge: Where did you find your info. Also has anyone found deck logs, or diary records which may identify which troops on these transports? I have recieved additional info on the 214th troop movements. The National Archives and Records Aministration in College Park, Maryland has sent me a Unit History report by William E. Norris capt, 214th AAA Group Ass't S-3 & Arthur R. Kosanke, Capt, 214th AAA Group Adjutant - not the "unit history cards" which differ somewhat I also have; (Sept. 24, 42 to August 15, 42): Commander from October 1, 1939 to May 10, 1944 was Col. John E. Stoddard and 214th CA(AA) unit movements:

    Dept. San Francisco, CA (9-24-42), Arrive Pukekohe, New Zealand
    (10-7-42), Dept. Auckland, new Zealand (11-2-42), Arrive Neumea,
    New Caledonia (11-6-42), Dept. Tontouta Air Base, New Caledonia (1-25-43),
    Arrive Henderson Field, Guadalcanal (1-30-43), Dept. Guadalcanal (12-26-43).

    The Regiment was composed of the following units:

    Hq & Hq Battery, 1st Bat. 214th CA(AA), Regiment with Batteries A,B,C,D, and First and Second Provisional Batteries (total Six Batteries);

    Hq & Hq Battery, 2nd Bat. 214th CA(AA), Regiment with Batteries E,F, G, H;

    Hq & Hq Battery, 3rd Bat. 214th CA(AA), Regiment with Batteries I,K;

    Not sure how to figure which unit or Battery my father was in-can you help?

    Report goes on to discuss statistics, # raids, Planes involved ect..., type of gus and so forth. The report did describ a big attack on June 16, 1943, when 120 Jap Divebombers and Fighters attacked shipping lying offshore between Point Cruz and Koli Point over 75 of the attackers were shot down by friendly fighters. adn six F-4u's, returning from a mission, intercepted aout 80 Jap planes 100miles north of Guadalcanal, shot six down and rturned the rest of the flight without the loss of a single plane. The report also talks about the Morotai Campaign in which the 214th was involved in.

    Also Exhibit A: Antiaircraft Gun Disposition Henderson Field, Lunga Area, Guadalcanal as of April 1, 1943 (50 cal mg, 20 mmgun ped, 20 mm gun dual, 37 mm gun and battry cp.

    Attached Files:

  5. spidge

    spidge Active Member

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