Battle of Shanghai

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by vashstampede, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. vashstampede

    vashstampede Active Member

    From August 13, 1937 to November 26, 1937, some 600,000 Chinese soldiers engaged more than 300,000 Japanese invaders in the city of Shanghai on the coast of East China Sea.

    The following stats are from wiki.

    Strength -

    Republic of China
    600,000 troops
    250 airplanes
    16 tanks


    Empire of Japan
    300,000 soldiers
    3,000 airplanes
    300 tanks
    130 Naval ships

    Due to total air and naval superiority, Japanese firepower were many times greater than the Chinese forces even though the Chinese had more manpower. Due to the city is near the coast, Japanese naval ships were able to shoot any target with pin point accuracy. Entire Chinese defending positions could be destroyed before Japanese launching a landing, but often at night the Chinese counter-attack force the Japanese to abandon the positions they gained during the day with naval and air force support.

    After almost 3 months of bloody fighting,

    Losses -
    Republic of China
    250,000 killed
    83,500 injured or missing
    91 planes
    Total: 333,500 casualtie

    Empire of Japan
    70,000 killed
    22,640 injured or missing
    85 planes
    51 ships
    Total:92,640 casualties

    This is only the beginning of 23 major engagements in China.
    Very little was mentioned how the Chinese were fighting during WWII, but in fact over 70% of all Japanese forces were tied in China during the entire WWII. Sure the battles in Far East did not involve massive tank battles, but the casualty were extremely high on both sides too, in fact Chinese took most casualty in entire WWII, even higher than the Russians. More Japanese soldiers died on Chinese battlefields than all else combined.

    What do you know about facts on the Chinese battlefields during WWII?


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