Book signing norwich - WW2 diary

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by PaulCheall, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. PaulCheall

    PaulCheall Member

    I thought members might be interested in the book signing for my Dad's war diaries, Fighting Through from Dunkirk to Hamburg. It will be at Waterstones bookshop, Norwich Royal Arcade, from 1pm until at least 3.30pm on Saturday, 16 July and aswell as a signature and a smile I will be offering some free comemorative postcards I had printed - bargain!

    Oh - I'm also taking along my lap top to show off some pics which aren't otherwise on display, together with a large frame displaying some of Dad's war mementos, such as the dagger attached to this posting.


    Attached Files:

  2. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Nice one Paul, Afraid i won't be able to make it as its a bit far to go. If your down Oxford way i will certainly make the effort of coming to meet you. I will be hopefully getting the book the next month or so and i am so looking forward to reading it. Did he ever fight alongside the Guards Armoured Div? If so it might be worth you having a chat with Gretna who has just become a member of the forum. Her Dad also fought in Normandy and up through Northern Europe.

    Good luck with the book signing and i hope you sell out and have to go for a re-run.


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