BRUNEVAL RAID: Operation Biting New DVD

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Pen and Sword Books, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Pen and Sword Books

    Pen and Sword Books New Member

    Operation Biting
    Special Operations Series
    Battlefield History TV

    This DVD is the first instalment in the brand new Special Operations series of DVD’s that focuses on a select number of the most courageous and strategically vital missions conducted during the Second World War. Their outcome had the potential to tip the scales in the Allies favour and pave the way for an Allied victory.

    In 1941 Dr RV Jones became convinced that the Germans had developed their own radar system that would account for increasing RAF bomber casualties. After exhaustive research and several failed attempts to make the British High Command take note of his finding, Jones eventually found conclusive evidence that his superiors could no longer ignore. An enemy Würzburg system was located on the cliffs of Northern France at Bruneval and seizing it would be the solution to overcoming the enemy radar problem. A joint operation was planned by HQ Combined Ops that would involve all three Services, including the newly raised and barely parachute qualified C Company, 2nd Parachute Battalion, Commanded by Major John Frost.

    The planning went well but the rehearsals involving the Royal Navy were all disastrous. As the narrow window of moon and tide approached it was decided ‘to bash on’. 51 Squadron dropped nine of the twelve sticks of Paratroopers and the Germans were caught napping. However, they quickly responded and the Paras had a serious fight on their hands to keep the enemy at bay while the experts, who the Paras had orders to kill rather than let fall into enemy hands, dismantled. With the enemy closing in the job was done and the force started to withdraw but elements of Frosts plan were beginning to unravel. It seemed that they may be blocked but with the Paras converging on the beach they secured their escape on the badly delayed Royal Navy landing craft.

    In Britain’s darkest hour the success of the Bruneval raid was just what Churchill needed and the information gained saved the lives of many airmen. In the now established BHTV’s style, the team revisit the exact locations where the raid took place seventy years ago to explain this momentous operation’s successes and failures, making this compulsive viewing for all students of the period.

    • This is a new series of full length DVDs starting with the Bruneval Raid – Operation Biting.
    • It will concentrate on World War II Combined operations raids by Commandos and Paras along with other intelligence and sabotage operations by the SOE and SAS.

    To view the trailer visit: Bruneval Raid - Operating Biting Trailer - YouTube

    Available to purchase from Pen and Sword Books.
    Normally £16.99 now £13.59 with free UK P+P.
    Pen and Sword Books: Military History and Nostalgia Book Publishers

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