CWGC - New Search Engine

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Kyt, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Shayman on rafcommands* posted a link to a new search engine created for the CWGC, yesterday.

    Geoff's Search Engine

    I have had aplay around with it and it is a great add-on. Geoff (the creator) has increased the number of fields with which to search, as well as allowing more flexibility in finding units and/or dates.

    As it is add-on search engine it is linked to the CWGC database and so is a little slow. So be patient.

    There are also some anomalies that, at first, seem to be the fault of the programme. However, after doing a number of searches it appears not to be the programme but the way that the original data is entered on the CWGC.

    For example the word squadron will only bring up 3 entries. That is because the CWGC uses Sqdn. It should also be noted that this will not bring up all those who were killed in a particular squadron because the majority of the casualties will only have Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve as their unit.

    I particularly like being able to be specific on a date rather than just a year.

    The CWGC have been promising to expand their search facility for years without anything happening. Until they finally do this is a great addition to peoples' research toolkit.

    * CWGC Search Engine - RafCommands Forums
  2. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein Member

    Geoffs Search Engine

    Hi everyone.....

    Hoping that repeating what I've already posted on another site is not too infra dig I still thought you might still like to hear of my own experience while testing out Geoffs very ingenious new search engine.



    I feel must tell you and others, of my experience this morning on testing out your admirable CWGC Search Engine.

    My Army number was 14300260.

    I decided to enter only the first six digits, i.e. 143002 in the "number" field and see if any one who joined the Army near my time had been killed in WW2.

    The search produced, amongst others a Trooper Fletcher, Reginald Water who died on the 12th of March 1945, is buried in The Reichswald Forest Cemetery and who's Army Number was 14300257.

    Trooper Fletcher's number is just 3 digits lower than mine and he must have joined on the same day, 1st October 1942.

    Truly a case of "There but for the Grace of G-d go I"

  3. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Bet you had us all running for our dictionaries there!!
  4. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Cheers Ron, for both highlighting how useful the new engine is, and for a most interesting story. I have often wondered what happened to people who joined together (but not together, if you know what I mean - sequential numbers for people who didn't know each other). I would have thought that in the army, individuals ended up in the same units etc, unlike the RAF where they ended wherever their training, trade and unit allocation dictated.
  5. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein Member


    You say:
    Not so....

    My Army number was a General Service one and I was stuck with it from then on despite the fact that I moved from:
    1. An Infantry training unit (Beds & Herts)
    2. The Royal Artillery (Light Ack Ack)
    and finally
    3. The Royal Armoured Corps (4th QOH)

    As Michael Caine might say.......Not-a-lotta-people know that !


  6. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Ah, of course Ron - I'd completely forgotten about that. Thanks
  7. rlaughton


    Try also the "back door entry" into the ADMIN section of the CWGC.

    For example, try this link:

    Now try to go to this link:

    The difference is I used the standard Google Search Engine to find the file I wanted and by-passed the padlock at the front door. All by accident but it opened a whole new world! Nothing really private in the "admin vault" just a lot of great files. I even told them about the "hole" and they did not repair it.

    The best way to search any site is to download the Google Toolbar and then select the function for "search current site". You can do this manually from any site by using a standard Google Page and entering the following: (as an example)


    The word "admin" could be any word on any web site and then just put "site:address of site" and away you go!

    You will be surprised what you can find quickly on almost any site!
  8. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Geoff's search engine is fantastic.

    With a bit of juggling, I extracted 202 Aussies who had enlisted and died in the RAF. I had been trying for ages to find a way of getting these names.

    Alsoworked for the RFC, RNAS & RAF from WW1.
  9. Jerome

    Jerome Member

    Geoff has just added a new search engine - Geoff's AFM Search Engine this searches names on the Armed Forces Memorial - post ww2
  10. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Hi Jerome - Thanks for posting it.

    Noticed it yesterday and forgot to post it.:bad:
  11. Jerome

    Jerome Member

    The CWGC has ******* up-graded their search engine such that Geoff's Search Engine no longer works. The url links for their data has changed, there is a new look format - BUT with absolutely no additional search fields - up-grade = yeah right - SOS (and I don't mean help).

    Well done CWGC for inventing a time machine - you have succeeded in taking us back to the past
  12. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Let's see what Geoff comes up with.

    Maybe they should let the people at the Australian War Memorial have a go. Their databases are just fantastic.
  13. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    It's awful !!!!!!! :confused:

    I was looking for a Canadian Williams ....... took me forever !

    I can't imagine it will be staying that way for long ... at least I hope not !
  14. Jerome

    Jerome Member

    Hooray - Geoff has fixed it - links works again
  15. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Can you get WW1 also Jerome ? :eek:hwell:
  16. Jerome

    Jerome Member

    No I cannot, but Geoff has posted on the WW1 SE home page stating that recent changes has made the WW1 SE inoperable and encourages people who consider the cwgc changes a retrograde step to write the cwgc

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