Did Japan Ruin Hitlers reign to control the world?

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by 101st Airborne, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. 101st Airborne

    101st Airborne New Member

    Hi There,

    Ive been thinking was it Japans fault for ruining Hitlers 1000 year reign of the world?

    I think this because if Pearl Harbor hadn't of happened maybe America wouldn't of got involved in the Europe war.

    in 1940 Nazi Germany had main-land Europe and all that lied was the island of Great Britain. Great Britain had been tring for so many months for America to join the war and reinforce great britian
    but America wasn't planning on entering another war (after there previous losses in WW1) . Nazi Germany tried there hardest to get rid of Great Britain for 1 and a half years because the German Leader Hitler knew that if he can get rid of britian he can focus on America and the USSR, but Hitler knew if America was to join the war whilst Great Britain was still in around, his chances of winning the war in Europe was 1 out of 10 as he had to fight 3 countries aswell as the other commonwealth countries, But Japan on the other hand had other plans and begun a war on America. Great Britain after Pearl Harbor asked for the support from America in the North African Campaign and America said yes making Hitler fight a war against 3 Strong Nations!

    Hitler also knew America had the industries, warehouses, and Manpower to over throw him that's also another reason on why Hitler didn't want America joining the war.

    so was it Japans fault Hitler lost his 1000 year reign?

    or was it Hitler just didn't have the resources to fight Against 3 strong Nations?


  2. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    Ben, yours is an interesting question, one which can provoke much thought and not a little ink to be spilt. But your analysis is shallow and shows a lack of study. For instance: It was Hitler's declaration of war upon the USA on 10 December, 1941, which permitted FDR to enter the ETO, something he wanted to do but could only do "clandestinely", at least in the Battle for the Atlantic. There was the possibility immediately after Pearl Harbor that the USA would be at war with only the Japanese, and not the Germans/Italians, but that issue was settled by Hitler himself.

    One can argue that Adolf felt compelled to fight the USA due to treaty obligations with the Japanese, but if these obligations were so iron-clad, why did not Adolf ask Tojo to honor the same agreement and enter the war with Russia? After all it was due to the state of relative calm between Japan and Russia which allowed Stalin to call upon Siberian Reserves of troops and equipment in order to save Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad. Had the Soviets faced pressure from the Japanese troops in Manchukuo Stalin may have left Moscow (as he almost did) which would have meant a drop in morale, leading to the fall of the city.

    Had Adolf H. not declared war on the USA then the Americans would have been hard pressed to do as General George Marshall agreed to do, to place the war with Japan on "the back burner" and to give the ETO initial priority. Who knows, there may have been a real attempt to re-supply Douglas MacArthur in place rather than using his withdrawal as cover to spirit the Cryptologic Unit out of Corregidor.
  3. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    "Hitler also knew America had the industries, warehouses, and Manpower to over throw him that's also another reason on why Hitler didn't want America joining the war."

    I am afraid you are mistaken. This is not what Adolf thought. It is known since is conversations were recorded by stenographers. He told multiple people, from Goering to the Japanese Ambassador that he had contempt for the Americans as a people for they were a mixture of races, "Darks with Jews" et cetera. It is recorded that he was of the opinion that the Americans "could not enter the war in Europe until 1970". History proved him wrong.

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