Do you believe Allies would have compromised if Germany wanted a truce?

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by vashstampede, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. vashstampede

    vashstampede Active Member

    Do you believe allies would have compromised if Germany had asked for a truce some point during WWII?

    If so, at what exactly year/month or before what campaign do you think it would be most likely that a truce can be reached?
    What terms do you think would be on the table and might be accepted by both sides?

    I personally believe western allies, UK/US might just accept a truce if the Germans had asked for it before Normandy landing. It would have saved a lot of lives. On the other hand, the western allies might just wish the Germans and the Russians to keep fighting to weaken each other in battle. Whether or not the western allies might break the truce will depend on the fact if Germans could beat the Russians. If the Russians are going to collapse and be taken over when the Germans fight one front war, then the western allies might see Germans' truce as only a time delay and a solution for fighting two front war.
    As for the terms, UK/U.S. might ask Germans to give up all the western European countries occupied by Hitler's force.

    However, the Russians are less likely to accept it. Because they have lots millions and millions lives early in the war. They are more into the revenge thing. Russians might want a truce before the Battle of Stalingrad if the Germans give them one.
    As for terms, it would be hard to say. I very much doubt Hitler would want to give up any land he had conquered while he was still winning. Russians wouldn't have too much land left to spare either, at least not the good part of the land they have in Europe.

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