Do you know your Dambusters quiz

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by David Layne, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    92% for me. I reckon I fell down on questions like someone's wife at the time etc.

    Apparently, according to the rating for that score, I served with them in a past life. Lovely thought but I'm not of the calibre of these men!
  3. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    87% - just wish I knew which ones I got wrong (but I can guess)
  4. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Me too!!!!
  5. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Read it and weep boys!

    Your Score Is 100%!

    Good show, mate! Congratulations! You know your Dambusters! If I didn't know any better I'd believe that you might have served with them in a past life!

    And now to correct some of the answers.

    Nigger was NOT a Black Labrador, he was a black labrador mongrel.

    56 men did NOT die ont he raid. At least one survived, possibly 2.

    (PS. Andy, Guy's wife was Eve.)
  6. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Wouldn't have expected anything less, Kitty. Well done and thanks!
  7. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Show off :)
  8. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I was lucky and got: Your Score Is 100%!

    I guessed Eve however I thought there were 13 Australians so ticked 12
  9. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    You are correct -it was two survivors - Fraser and Burcher? in Hopgoods aircraft

    Also there were 13 Australians I thought. Will have to check that one.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    I always have trouble remembering how many Ozzies there were. I must go and check the dambusters site. And still tryign to figure out how they got from Harold to Mick
  11. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    I got 92%.
    Guessed a few, had no idea about how many Australians were in 617.

    I thought 3 men survived - the two from Hopgoods a/c plus one rear gunner from one that was shot down on the way in to the dams.

    Is Gibson or anyone else supposed to haunt Scampton? More likely the dog with the unmentionable name; he was the one who died there.
  12. spidge

    spidge Active Member

  13. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Yep its the mut. Not heard anything of it for a few years.
  14. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Hey guys,

    I'm another one who got 100%
  15. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Confirmation of Aussies in the raid.

    There were 13 Aussies in the dams raid:

    Guy Gibson Aircraft

    Pilot Officer Frederick Michael Spafford RAAF ( A/407380) Bomb aimer:
    Born: 16 Jun 1918, Wayville, Adelaide, Australia. Fitter.
    Killed in Action 16 September 1943.
    Joined RAAF 1940

    Hopgood Aircraft

    Flying Officer Anthony Fisher Burcher RAAF (A/403182) Rear Gunner:
    Born: Sydney, Australia, 1922.
    Prisoner of war 17 May 1943 and sent to Stalag Luft III Tony Burcher went back to Australia
    after the war to live with his wife, a former WAAF, then returned to the UK to live but again
    returned to live in Tasmania. Now deceased.
    Joined RAAF 1940

    Martins Aircraft

    Flight Lieutenant Harold Brownlow Morgan Martin (68795) Pilot:
    Born: 27 Feb 1918, Edgecliffe, Australia.
    On retirement worked for Hawker Siddeley and became President of the Bomber command
    Association in 1986.
    Joined RAF 28 Aug 1940

    Flight Lieutenant Jack Frederick Leggo RAAF (A/492367) Navigator:
    Born: 21 Apl 1916, Sydney, Australia. Bank clerk.
    Died: 1983, then Sir Jack Leggo
    Joined RAAF 1940

    Flight Lieutenant Robert Claude Hay RAAF (A/407071) Bomb aimer:
    Born: 3 Nov 1913, Gawler, Australia.
    Killed in Action 12 February 1944 and is buried at St Michaels Cemetery, Cagliari, Sardinia.

    Pilot Officer Bertie Towner Foxlee RAAF (A/404595) Front Gunner:
    Queensland, Australia.
    Died in the UK 1982

    Flight Sergeant Thomas Drayton Simpson RAAF (A/408076) Rear Gunner:
    Hobart, Tasmania. Law clerk.
    Lived in Hobart, Tasmania. Now deceased.

    Shannon Aircraft

    Flight Lieutenant David John Shannon RAAF (A/407729) Pilot:
    b 27 May 1922 St Umley Park, South Australia. Clerk.
    Lived in London. Died in 1993.

    Knight Aircraft

    Flight Lieutenant Leslie Gordon Knight RAAF (A/401449) Pilot:
    b 7 Mar 1921 Camberwell, Victoria Australia. Student Accountant.
    Killed in Action 16 September 1943.

    Sergeant Robert George Thomas Kellow RAAF (A/411453) Wireless Operator:
    b 13 Dec 1916 Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Shop Assistant.
    Shot down 16 September 1943, evaded via Holland, France, Spain and Gibraltar,
    arrived back in UK 4 Dec, 1943
    Died 1988.


    Flight Lieutenant Robert Norman George Barlow RAAF (A/401899) Pilot:
    b 22 Apl 1911 Carlton, Australia.
    Killed in Action 16 May 1943.

    Flying Officer Charles Rowland Williams RAAF (A/405224) Wireless Operator:
    B 1909 Torres Greek, Queensland, Australia.
    Killed in Action 16 May 1943

    Townsend Aircraft

    Pilot Officer Cecil Lancelot Howard RAAF (A/406248) Navigator:
    b 12 Jan 1913 Sth Fremantle, W. Australia
    Died in 1989.
  16. Buster

    Buster "Deep down 'ere in'nit Chief?!"

    Harumph.... 70%
  17. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Aww never mind buster, though all your pics state Navy so you did OK for a matelot

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