Drummond, Sir Peter Roy Maxwell (1894 - 1945)

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by spidge, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Another Australian in the RAF

    DRUMMOND, Sir PETER ROY MAXWELL (1894-1945),K C B, D S O and Bar, O B E, M C, Twice Mentioned in Despatches

    In 1942 Drummond rejected the post of chief of the Air Staff, R.A.A.F. which had been offered to him in an attempt to solve the crisis in the service's higher command arrangements in the South-West Pacific Area. The Australian government raised the matter once more in April 1943, but the Air Ministry refused to release Drummond who had been selected to become air member for training on the Air Council. In Tedder's opinion, the Air Ministry's decision was wise; he later referred to Drummond's ability and support as important factors in winning the war in North Africa.

    Select Bibliography

    Dictionary of National Biography, 1941-1950; P. Firkins, The Golden Eagles (Perth, 1980); Times (London), 17 Aug 1917, 27 Mar, 27 July, 26 Aug 1918; PRO Air 2/5943 (National Archives of the United Kingdom); Australian War Memorial records. More on the resources

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