Ex-Gurkhas denied trip to France

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Kyt, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Once again the way that the Gurkhas are treated beggers belief

    BBC NEWS | England | Kent | Ex-Gurkhas denied trip to France

  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Thanks, put your life on the line when you're young and we'll feed and board you. Do our bidding and dirty work but don't expect any service from us once your service to us is over.

    Ungrateful feckers.
  3. Hugh

    Hugh New Member

    I have said it before on other threads: you can get into this country of ours and live of the state and preach hate on our streets. But, hey, if you are loyal and have fought this nations wars and wish to stay here as law abiding citizens - Forget it!

    These men deserve better.

  4. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Gurkhas have fought and died in the service of the Crown for almost 200 years winning 13 Victoria Crosses ..... but it means nothing does it ? ..... sometimes I'm ashamed to say I'm British !

  5. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    I think there is a genuine (re)affection for the Gurkhas amongst the general population, especially after the spate of storries about their treatment over the last few years. But it seems that it is the petty beauraucrats who, like in everything they do in their jobs, seems incapable of interpreting the rules to allow some flexibility. Just pathetic, considering how the armed forces are made to make do and bodge together a viewable fighting - now that is flexibility in one's work.

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