George Raymond Dallas Moor VC, MC & Bar

Discussion in 'Military Biographies' started by liverpool annie, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    In Memory of

    V C, M C and Bar

    2nd Bn., Hampshire Regiment
    attd. 30th Div. H.Q.
    who died age 22
    on 03 November 1918
    Son of William Henry and Eva Helen Moor (nee Pender).

    Remembered with honour

    George Raymond Dallas Moor VC, MC & Bar (22 October 1896–3 November 1918) was a recipient of the Victoria Cross

    Born in Australia and educated at Cheltenham College, following the outbreak of the First World War, Moor was commissioned as a second lieutenant on probation in the 3rd Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment, British 29th Division on 29 October 1914

    He was 18 years old when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC, the citation in the London Gazette, 23 July 1915 reads:
    On 5 June 1915 south of Krithia, Gallipoli, Turkey, when a detachment of the battalion which had lost all its officers was rapidly retiring before a heavy Turkish attack, Second Lieutenant Moor, realising the danger to the rest of the line, dashed back some 200 yards, stemmed the retirement, led back the men and recaptured the lost trench. This brave act saved a dangerous situation.

    The action actually took place early on 6 June during the Turkish counter-attack following the Third Battle of Krithia. Moor "stemmed the retirement" by shooting four of his own men. In the words of the 29th Division's commander General Henry de Lisle, Moor shot "the leading four men and the remainder came to their senses."
    Moor was promoted to lieutenant on 30 October 1916 He was later awarded the Military Cross (MC) and bar (second award). The citation for his MC read:

    Lt. George Raymond Dallas Moor, V.C., Hamp. R.
    For conspicuous gallantry and skill. He carried out a daylight reconnaissance all along the divisional front in face of heavy machine-gun fire at close range, in many places well in front of our foremost posts

    At the time of the second award he was ADC to the General Officer Commanding 30th Division, and an acting General Staff Officer, Grade III.
    The citation in the London Gazette, 29 July 1919 reads:
    On October 20th, 1918, about Pijpestraatthe vanguard commander was wounded and unable to carry on. Owing to heavy shelling and machine-gun fire, the vanguard came to a standstill. Lieut. Moor, Acting General Staff Officer, who was reconnoitring the front, noticed this ; he immediately took charge, and by his fearless example and skilful leading continued the advance until the objective was reached. He has a positive contempt for danger, and distinguishes himself on every occasion.
    (M.C. gazetted 2nd December, 1918.)

    Moor was in poor health as a result of his war experiences, and he died of Spanish Influenza at Mouvaux, France, on 3 November 1918.
    His Victoria Cross is displayed at The Royal Hampshire Regiment Museum & Memorial Garden, Winchester, England.

    Attached Files:

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