Howdy..from NorCal By Way of Texas

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Skyspirit, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Skyspirit

    Skyspirit New Member


    While I was born and raised in Texas, I now live in NorCal.

    I am the daughter of a World War II Veteran, having passed in 1976

    He spent all his life pretty much after the war in a nursing home or rehab center due to complications from alcoholism, liver disease, Parkinson's and tuberculosis. He made his home in Weatherford with my mom before I was born, later having moved to Fort Worth and Tarrant County.

    He was a Pvt, I believe in the 4th Infantry if I remember correctly from his paperwork which I no longer have.

    I went to see him a few time while growing up. He was always so kind but it was hard as he was always shaking, slobbering, and crying which was hard for a 6-12 year old child

    I miss him dearly though, he always wrote to me, and before he went to the nursing home tried to see me a time or two at my home.

    Anyway, that's me' - I believe his parents may have been Jewish (as was my Maternal Grandad's family (Lucas/Lux) but may have later switched to Quaker once back from war. not certain.

    Nice to meet you all and look forward to some interesting discussions.

  2. Kate

    Kate Active Member

    Hi Skyspirit, and welcome to the forum! Jump in anywhere you see something you want to add thoughts to... I'll look forward to seeing some new ideas, questions, etc.!
  3. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    Welcome to the community. I hope you stick around and ask questions, and answer the questions of others when you can.

    I never met your father so I can speak only in generalities as to his condition. It sounds as if he may have suffered a not uncommon malady which is now labeled as PTSD (post tramatic stress disease), though during WWII it was called "Shell Shock". There are some individuals who just do not thrive in the 'Big Green Machine'. The results, well, are no fault of their own, but they pay a major personal price for military service. But I may just be out of line, talking through my hat, forgive me if I offend.
  4. wulfman

    wulfman Member

    Hello and welcome to the forum !

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