Inventions that were Unseen!

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Heidi, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    During ww2, Britain invented a map hider that was disguised as a writing pen!
    It was also used to carry secret papers that the British did not want the enemy to find

    The purpose was for Allied soldier carring speical papers, if ever got caught by the Axis,the Axis would just think it is just a plain old pen, but far from it! Sneaky but smart move by the Britons.

    That's the only one i knew of,that had a hidden purpose and unseen!by the britons!

    I will supply a link latter on, but if you have a link handy and know what i am talking about, feel free to put your link up!
  2. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi Heidi,

    If you delve a bit further you will find that the left upper pocket button of the R.A.F. pilots uniform contained a compass, and the pretty silk neck scarfes they wore were in actual fact printed with maps of the area they were going to.
    I'm sure thare were many more for you to reasearch.
    Hope you have success with your guarantee, you couild also threaten to name and shame if they don't cough up.

  3. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    That's ok Kyt,i understand completly.

    Keith- So the map pens were not to hide specical maps from the Germans?
    I thought the pen maps were for making sure special maps were not found by germans,oh well!:Cool2:
  4. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    The British Boffins came up with so many secret little things for flyer's compasses, maps, survival kit, also many other special items for agents on operations. Truly close to Hollywood in some of the items.
    In the western dessert campaign and onwards the Brits had stage magicians and other stage /movie special effects people to deceive th enemy big time,
    Small or large they all usually worked, and worked well.

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