Not to be outdone by the Americans - forget minor issues like Clinton and Obama. Who will win our major contest between Johnson and Livingstone?
It's the most pathetic election ever. Do we choose the tyrant or the buffoon? I used to be a big Livingstone fan, and was still in London for the first election and voted for him. Considering the way that he has usurped both the powers of the London Assembly (I still haven't figured what they do), and completely ignored the wishes of most Londoners, he has to go. And yet Boris is such a wally that London would become a laughing stock. I'm so glad I don't live in London anymore.
Well I'm glad Boris won. He's not as much of a bafoon as he makes out, has principles and says it how he sees it. The press make much more of it than the public do and if he does make the odd gaff we'll see that he is human (anyone remember Red Ken's embarrassing encounter with a jewish photographer late one night?). To be honest the man (Boris) is just 'Moral in a Box' and entertainment for the troops and if he can just fulfill the promise on reducing crime he'll be worth the vote.