I tried to access these photos but couldn't ... can anybody else ?? A collection of rare photographs found in an attic throw light on the reality of First World War A TREASURE trove of photographs from the Battle of the Somme has been found in a damp village attic, giving a rare insight into the German view of the First World War. The 400 gritty pictures convey the exhaustion of war. A British prisoner struggles down a French street with a wounded comrade on his back. A pilot grounded by German fire stands next to his aircraft, unsure what happens next. These images must have seemed exotic to Johann Kugler, a small-town photographer from Sigmaringen in southwest Germany. He was attached to a regiment from Württemberg, and his brief seems to have been to photograph local boys preparing for military action. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/european_football/article1095264.ece
Half-way down the Times article is this link, where apparently the photos are posted. www.landesarchiv-bw.de/stas I opened this, but its a massive archive and I don't have time to look through it now. It's in German, but if you could find a heading "Kugler", that would be it. If you find it, post the link here!
I did that Adrian ! .... I had it translated to English ... but then it got complicated and I threw my hands up in the air !! .... that's why I asked for help !!