National cemeteries in the Midwest

Discussion in 'Memorials & Cemeteries' started by primalclaws1974, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. I very much enjoy cemeteries. Not only are they peaceful, but are a great place to learn history. No place speaks history to me like a military cemetery. I live in Iowa. The only national cemetery in the Midwest I am aware of is outside Sturgis, South Dakota. Are there others closer or about that far from Iowa?
  2. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    There is the Fort Snelling National Cemetary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is close to the airport, accessible by freeway (Hwy 494 & Post Road exit) or light-rail. It is not too far from Mall of America.

    Also near is Historic Fort Snelling, an authentic tourist site in the summer.
  3. Thank you, Interrogator#6. Minneapolis is much closer to me than Sturgis. I have never actually been to the metro-area, or the Mall of America. I could be in the area in five hours. I will have to do some more research on Fort Snelling National Cemetery. If there are other tourists sites, as you say, I could make an entire weekend out of it.

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