Nazis' disabled victims honoured

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Kyt, May 11, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    BBC NEWS | UK | Nazis' disabled victims honoured

  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  3. plant-pilot

    plant-pilot New Member

    Not really a surprise. The often quoted 6 million jews killed in the Holocaust actually included many more than just the Jewish. Gypsies, homosexuals, communists, mentally and physically disabled, political undesirables, deserters and spies were all sent to the concentration camps for labour and execution. There was a chart displayed in the museum at Buchenwald that allowed the guards to see the many many different coloured stars, with different markings differentiating between the different categories of prisoners. So many in fact that the yellow star was not easy to find.

    Every one of them a tragedy, but I always feel a little uneasy when "6 million jews" is quoted. I am even more amazed by the quotation "The disabled suffered doubly under the Nazi regime if they were Jewish", double the chance of being sent to the camps yes, but once there, how could you 'suffer' doubly in an environment that was already horrendous?
  4. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  5. Gibbo

    Gibbo Guest

    The non-Jewish victims of the Nazis are in addition to the 6 million, not part of the 6 million. The Nazis murdered 6 million Jews AND several million Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled people, Slavs, political opponents, Freemasons, Jehovahs Witnesses & others.

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