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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by gezzabear, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. gezzabear

    gezzabear New Member

    I am an amateur family historian and I had a [1] GGrandfather in the 2nd Royal Berkshires and [2] Grandfather in the 4th?? Middlesex Regiment.
    [1] was wounded POW on 16/08/1917 near Polygon Wood Zonnenbeke, taken via field hospitals to Geissen camp then Meschede camp.
    How he got back from there I don't know. I am curious about statements given to some sort of tribunal concerning maltreatment of prisoners - ? on behalf of League of Nations in Netherlands??
    [2] I believe was in 4th Middx but I can't find out much about Battalion War Diary. Does anyone have any info.

    Any clues would be greatly appreciated.

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