New Year Resolutions

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by Kyt, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    It's that time again.

    My NY resolution are:

    1) lose weight
    2) spend more time away from the PC (20 hours a day maybe considered a tad excessive by some)
    3) get more exercise
    4) cut back on book buying and spend more time actually reading the ones I already have (current count in my to-read pile is about 70)

    So who's next to confess their sins and resolutions?
  2. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    1. Try and stop smoking again :(
    2. Stop beng a fat bastard (only 89 kilos but feel fat, and sound like a girl when i say that)
    3. Finish that damn holocaust site and stop changin it every month.
  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    You forgot one .... be nice to Annie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fish:
  4. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Mine are

    1. Start lining up the duckies in case the job falls apart !! ( Funding's running out again ... who knows what the new President will do ! )
    2. Just cut down on smoking ..... I thought I would just smoke in the kitchen ... and as my computer is in the basement ... I'll have to think twice before I have one !! :D
    3. Buy more books before the prices go up again !
    4. Finish my Honour Rolls .... if I can remember how to open up the sites again !!
    5. Learn more about WW2 !
  5. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    I always make a New Year resolution about going to bed earlier, but with another forum to visit every night I may as well forget that this year!

    (Anyway I was at a conference where a Professor of Psychiatric Nursing was speaking on Health Priorities, and when someone in the audience suggested that getting enough sleep was an issue, he said "Sleep is for Wimps"! Apparently there is no evidence that lack of sleep causes harm in itself, so as you can avoid falling asleep when driving, or in my team meeting!)
  6. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  7. Wise1

    Wise1 Getting Wiser!

    I insist on 5 hours sleep a night, very very rarely do I get more, but never less. Been that way for must be near on 20 years now, cant say its done me any harm I can see, will inspect my arteries tonight though :)
  8. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    I'm fortunate that I can get by on 5 or 6 hours sleep with no ill effects.

    Back to new years resolutions, I'm going to try to stop smoking cigarettes and weed, for the umpteenth time!
  9. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Butbutbutbutbut you'll be normal then!

    1. Pick up the diet I've been lax about for the past 3 months, especially as I have succeeded in gaining 5lbs in 3 days.
    2. Take more exor... exer...exa... nah can't say it :>
    3. Make a serious effort to get into teacher training.
    4. Blow up the Job Centre with all its employees inside.
  10. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Oh the exerthingy one too.

    No hope of selling the house in the immediate future so we have decided to get one or more dogs now rather than wait until we move.

    So we'll be walking for miles again everyday (well when his hip is fully recovered) and then we will both be as skinny as Kate Moss again by next Christmas anyway!!

    To learn about WW1 from a website I've just heard of!

    Happy New Year to you all!
  11. John

    John Active Member

    Good on you CTNana. I suggest a x boxer as they are very loyal
  12. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Other than making more time for Jodi and myself, am not buying any more books
    (althought have a $50 voucher to blow!) as, like Kyt, have plenty to read as it is. Meanwhile, we've done a lot of furniture moving in that past couple of days. The house looks great, my back is stuffed and...we've discovered Peregrine Falcons nesting nearby. How many tangents in there?! No resolutions as they're just something else to remember! :lol:
  13. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Peregrine Falcons? Hope you get some photos
  14. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Me too. I think I am correct in saying that the Peregrine Falcon is the worlds fastest bird.

    I could easily turn into a "birder." Living on the coast of the Gulf Of Mexico we are in a migratory flight path.

    At the correct time of the year Dauphin Island is the first/last landfall for these travelling birds. This results in a large amount of the equivalent of American anoraks.
  15. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Lucky boy, DL. You're right about the speed of the PF too.

    Have been trying to get pics but no luck so far. I think they have a juvenile that is recently fledged and going on short "ops" (haha) from the nest, over our paddock and then back to the nest. The flying profiles match PFs but I'm not 100%.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Do you have the RSPB in Oz? If so go their site and start checking out the species guides
  17. John

    John Active Member

    Hi Lee
    Stop smoking mate, or you will end up like me, on oxygen 18 hours a day.


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