No6 Sq RIAF :: Fly Off Dodla Ranga Reddy & Fly Off J C de Lima ..

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Diptangshu, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Diptangshu

    Diptangshu Active Member

    The unsung hero of RIAF ,No 6 Sq, Fly Off Dodla Ranga Reddy (Srv No 1704), was among the most notable Hurricane flyers of the Far East, operated for Slim's 14th Army against formidable 15th Army of Mutaguchi Renya for both the operations, ie., Op Ha-Go and U-Go.
    Fly Off Reddy and the No6 Sq remains most notable performer against updated IJAAF Nakajima Ki43 Oscars against RIAF's No6 Sq Hurricanes.
    No6 Sq equipped with Hurricanes, operated from a makeshift airstrip made up of bamboo matting and still mesh (not to confused with Marsden Matting) at their Arakan Base! This Sq is regarded for the tactical reconnaissance mission as well as the "eyes of the 14th Army ..... (as mentioned several times by Bill Slim)" against the offensive of Mutaguchi's 15th Army specially during the Seize of Kohima (the long 80 days).
    Technically they were unparalled to Oscars during dogfights. 4th Feb'44, on an unmatched dogfight, the 4 Hurricanes from No6 Sq, with Fly Off D R Reddy, Fly Off J C de Lima, Fly Off J C Verma(DFC) and Fly off M Ramuni, being in a formation of 2+2, Reddy saw that Ramunny being caught by an Oscar at tail and he immediately opened fire to save Ramunny while shouting at his radio ... 'Japs are at your tail.. Japs are at your tail..' In reverse Reddy and Lima being counter attacked by the Jap Oscars and completely destroyed the two Hurricanes.
    Slim oftenly stated this incident while recognizing his men, by several times, in reverse Slim being recognized in the military history of WW2 for his heroic acts.
    Fly Off Dodla Ranga Reddy and Fly Off Lima both were killed in action, 4th Feb'44.
    Reddy is commemorated on the Singapore Memorial (Kranji, Panel Ref : 445).
    Just a week later Fly Off Verma (DFC) scored his 1st kill under the same sky, which was dedicated to the fellow comrades Reddy and Lima.

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