Operations of WW2 - C

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by spidge, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Operation Catechism

    Operation "Catechism" (12 November 1944)

    From: Tirpitz - Gallery - Operation "Catechism"

    Tirpitz - The History - Operation "Catechism"

    Early in the morning of 12 November the Lancasters took off again for their third and final raid against Tirpitz, Operation "Catechism". Whatever the outcome of this attack there would be little chance of a fourth attempt since by 27 November the sun would be below the horizon even at mid-day and there would not be sufficient light to see the target.
    There was a heavy frost at the airfield and 7 of 9 Squadron's Lancasters were so severely iced up that they could not take off in their overweight state; in all 32 aircraft took to the air at about 0300.
    They reached the rendezvous about 0935 low over Tornea Trask, a lake a 160 kilometer (100 miles) south-east of Tromsø, took up formation and then they flew towards north-west, climbing to 4,267 meter (14,000 feet) to clear the mountains and gain height for the bombs. Radar picked them up as they gained height and the race was on, a race made even more tense than formerly by the knowledge that a German fighter squadron had recently been posted to Bardufoss.
    As the Lancasters came over the last mountain range they were met with intense anti-aircraft fire from Tirpitz, the other ships and shore batteries, but the battleship herself lay clearly visible. There was no cloud and no smoke-screen. Tirpitz indeed was trying to conceal herself by smoke which rose in the still air but the smoke pots brought down from Kåfjord although in position were not primed.
  2. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Chastise ,Operational code name for the "Dam Busters" raid by 617 squadron RAF in May 1943, on the Mohne, Eder and Sorpe dams in the Ruhr area of Germany
    2 out of 3 is not bad
    Cheers AJ
  3. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Cobra ,Operational code name for the American breakout from Normandy in July 1944
    Cheers AJ
  4. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Citadel ,Operational code name for the German attack on the Soviet forces near Kursk, July 1943
    Cheers AJ
  5. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Catapult ,Operational code name for the destruction of the French Fleet by the British in North Africa, July 1940
  6. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Crossbow ,Operational code name for Allied attacks on V-1 launch sites
    Cheers AJ
  7. smaja

    smaja New Member

    Operation Capital, was a broad British offensive launched from Assam, India across the Chindwin River into northeast Burma near Mandalay, launched on 19 November, 1944. The objectives were to clear Japanese forces from northern Burma, reopen the Burma Road supply route to China and tie down Japanese forces to prevent their transfer to the Pacific theatre. During planning, the operation was renamed Extended Capital to include a pursuit of the enemy to Rangoon.
  8. smaja

    smaja New Member

    Operation Capri was a Nazi German counter-attack at Medenine, Tunisia, intended to disrupt and delay the 8th Army's attack on the Mareth Line.

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