Query re fall of Hamburg and 1st East Lancs

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by PaulCheall, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. PaulCheall

    PaulCheall Member

    I'd be grateful if anyone can help with a query connected with research on my Dad's war memoir. He wrote several notes about the fall of Hamburg and he was being brought up to the front as a reinforcement from England. It seems he caught up with the main E Lancs regt close to Hamburg but there the sequence of events is a little confused and my best interpretation is that he joined the battalion then, even though some cease fire discussions were taking place, "we took part in a few actions clearing the enemy out of strong points. Then we crossed the River Elbe on a pontoon bridge which the engineers had put across. Hamburg fell without a great deal of hassle – the Germans were on their last legs." Is it likely that they would still be fighting if negotiations were taking place?
    Were the East Lancs the first battalion to enter Hamburg?
    Thanks in anticipation
  2. groundhugger

    groundhugger Member

    Could have been fanatical SS or Hitler youth determined not to surrender.

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