Reichmarshall's (Göring) Edict : 1943.

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Diptangshu, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Diptangshu

    Diptangshu Active Member

    .... from Erich Mombeek § Defending the Reich : The History of Jagdgeschwader 1 - Oesau.
    1) There are no meteorological conditions which would prevent fighters from taking off and engaging in combat.
    2) Every fighter pilot taking off in a machine not showing any sign of combat or without having recorded a victory will be prosecuted by a court-martial.
    3) In the case of where a pilot uses up his ammunition or if his weapons are unusable, he should ram the enemy bomber. ....
    Well, is there any verdict like this exists today any where?
    Being a pilot, if this going to be mandate and you are told to imply .... , what will you do?
  2. groundhugger

    groundhugger Member

    There were instances of German pilots ramming B17s and B24s wether this was following his orders or just a moment of madness is anyones guess , there are instances of this this with the RAF in the Battle of Britain .

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