
Discussion in 'Barracks' started by CTNana, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    I like the new Portal Screen.

    Is having a reputation of 1 a bit like getting a Grade E in your exams? Can anyone else see that I have it?

    Did I misunderstand? I thought we were going to be able to see who had given us our reputations. Hate having something I haven't earned!!!!
  2. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Should be visible through your User CP.
  3. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    The reputation system is just fun really. members start off with neutral rep and then builds up slowly. Your reputation points can only be seen by you. However, if people run their cursor over the little icon just below "You're Top Poster" on the left a pop-up willshow a comment. Your Rep Power is how many rep points you can give to another person and that depends on how long you have been a member and your post count. It also goes up as you receive more rep points yourself.

    However, you should be able to see your own reputation points and who gave you them if you go to Quick Links - User Control Panel.

    If the memebr has given a reason for the points then you should be able to see the comment. However, in this case no reason was given (sorry, I used my Mod power to sneak a look).

    The rep system isn't a grading system; and we maybe changing it to something more fun at some stage soon anyway.
  4. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    I obviously exist in a parallel universe!!

    I did understand that it was only for fun but really wanted to find out who the other Viz fan was?!!!!

    There is a style of writing posts which seems to come naturally to all of you but I am still struggling to master. I sometimes have to read posts several times before I understand the shorthand (I don't always succeed) and often cringe at replies which seem terse. I wonder if it is possible to judge someone's age by their style of writing a post?
  5. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    My apologies Nana. I tend to write in a conversational style on the forum rather than in correct written English.
  6. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    No my apologies Kyt. I have just re-read my post. I meant to say I live in a parallel universe because I cannot see any of that stuff about reputations with my cursor under the You're Top poster #. Blame it on another senior moment!!!

    I envy the style of writing. Just goes to show that I have spent more of my time writing stuffy business letters than writing to friends!!! I just can't get the tone right!
  7. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    If you place your cursor where I've indicated with the red arrow you should get a pop-up which shows that you are "on a distinguished road".


    However, some security packages and some browser settings may block the pop-up.

    As to the comments and who left the feedback, when you click Quick Links, and the drop down menu comes down, click on the User Control Panel, which should be in white in a black box. That should take you straight to the page with the rep comments.

    I find that I spend so much time of forums that I cannot write correctly when I need to

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