
Discussion in 'World War 2' started by liverpool annie, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I had cause to look up information about Porton Down .... and what an alarming experience it's been ...... has anybody else looked into it at all ?

  2. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Isn't there an island in the "Western Isles" of Scotland that is uninhabited due to chemical experiments conducted there during the World Wars?
  3. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    No ,i never look in to this before.Is there such things as secrets during ww1 or any wars?
    When a country invents something in months the emeny has some how founds out about the secrets,and then the whole worlds finds out about it.
    I knew the Germans used gas on English and French during ww1 but i don't know any of this kind of stuff.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    There is a small island somewhere where you can't dig into the soil as it is full of things like Anthrax. CDE's (Chemical Defence Establishments) were wide spread across the UK with smaller bases all over the place doing different things. Wasn't until the 60'70's that they were all shut down and everything moved to CDE Porton Down.

    Those shut down were basically bulldozed into a big hole and soil put over the top. The MOD is currently undertaking remediation work at one such site, CDE Nancekuke (Nan-Kuk) at RAF Portreath in Cornwall. There disused mineshafts were used to take spoil from the buildings and what was left was buried in pits. The MOD is now excavating those pits and removing everything, and plans are being drawn up to get everything out of the disused mineshafts as well, but it will take a few more years yet.

    Bit more here at the Nancekuke Remediation Project
  5. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Scottish Isle

    Hi David,

    Yes I can remember reading that the government experimented by saturating the place with Anthrax,
    I have no idea if it has now degaded enough to allow people to go there.
    I believe all the sheep living there died.
    I am sure that Kyt will be able to ferret around and find out !
    Over to you Kyt !
  6. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Taken from this Observer report

    And if you are really bored here's the google search

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