Sergent Wynne Ridge, posted to the USA.

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Bargoed Ridge, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Bargoed Ridge

    Bargoed Ridge New Member

    Good day to you all. As usual it's to late to ask the lady involved but I will ask the forum and hope I come up trumps. My auntie was posted to the USA between March 1944 and January 1945, I have gleened the 2 dates from the back of photo's taken in America the period could be continuious or interupted with periods in the UK. I can copy the backs of the photo's if people would be interested in the names of the other ladies, unfortunatly christian names only. My question is what was she doing there. One picture is taken in Washington and the others in Trinidad BWI the pictures in Tridad are dated March 1944.
    I understand there was an increse in intellegence after the exposure of Enigma to the Americans, could that be the point. Incidently I worked in Bletchley Park in the early 70's prior to it being known of it's war activities.

    I hopefully have attached a couple of photo's. Thanks to you all.
    Kind regards Pete

    Attached Files:

  2. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Hi Pete,

    Do you have a pic of her badge on her cap? Do you have any idea when she joined up? Do you know when she returned back to the UK? I would of thought the Americans would of known much earlier of the capture of the Enigma machine well before 1944 so highly unlikely she was over there to brief counterparts about it. I would of thought also that the pics in Trinadad would of been on one of her leaves and she would of been in America for a while before that, perhaps since the breaking of the Enigmas code which could of been as early as when the Americans entered the war.

    Sniper {Mike}
  3. Bargoed Ridge

    Bargoed Ridge New Member

    Good morning Sniper,

    Thanks for the prompt reply. To cut a long story short Auntie Wynn didn't marry until late in life and had no children who may have wanted to retain any War time service information. That aside I ill investigate further and see if a relative has any info, I'll be back, trust me.

    Keep well Pete

    I have gleened from a picture in uniform of a date of 1942. Lapel badges arn't clear at all I'm afraid.

    I think I have a clearer view now. In 1944 the Trinida and Tobago goverment leased out an area to the US airforce for an airfield. My history is not too good but a quote on the back of one of the pictures says Trinidad BWI (British West Indies). Would we have had a presence there even though it was leased to the Americans in 1944? Wounderful thing G--gle
    Keep well Pete
  4. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Hi Pete,

    Yes we had a huge presence in the West Indies, it was still part of the Commonwealth and we were there to defend it. The West Indies Regiment served here in Europe and they lost quite a lot of lives during the fighting in France and Italy. I also believe they served during the desert campaign though i have not researched this to confirm it. In the town i live in, one of the men named on the town war memorial was in the West Indies Regiment.

    Your aunt could of been there for any number of reasons. Have you tried to get her service record from the MOD? If you are not her next of kin you will have to ask that person to apply. Be prepared for a bit of a wait on getting it back as there was a four or five month waiting list. The imformation you will get on that will answer so many of your questions which could never be answered in here or any other forum. You will be able to apply for the service record online on the MOD website but it will cost you some cash.

    Hope this helps

  5. Bargoed Ridge

    Bargoed Ridge New Member

    Hi Sniper, thanks again for the info.
    I think your right I will have to go to the MOD for any further info, that is where I have the problem. Auntie Wynn didn't marry till late in life and consequently never had any children. All her brothers and sisters have now passed on leaving no next of kin. My only other avenue is my cousin who was the exector of her will. That aside I have hit a wall.

    Thanks again I'll keep hunting.

    Kind regards

  6. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Everyone has a next of kin, it would be the nearest relative to her, if you are as close to her as your cousin then you should be able to apply for her records as well. It maybe an idea to have a copy of her death certificate and send it in with your application as the MOD are starting to relax the next of kin rule if you can prove the person you are asking about is deceased. You will be surprised at the amount of imformation you will get from the record, its well worth the effort to get.

  7. Bargoed Ridge

    Bargoed Ridge New Member

    Thanks for that Sniper. I'll contact my cousin, he dealt with her affairs so he should hopefully have the paperwork. I'll keep you posted.
    Thanks again Pete
  8. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Please do keep us posted Pete, it would be interesting to know what she did and from when.


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