Singapore Memorial Commemorated

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by heatherannej, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. heatherannej

    heatherannej New Member

    Hello there

    Does anyone hold a photograph archive which depicts all names on the Singapore Memorial please? I know that some are held re WW1 memorials.
    If I don't ask, I won't know :) My uncle (William Forbes Petrie Brodie) is on this memorial - being a victim in the Suez Maru incident. I don't know if I shall ever be able to visit this Memorial, but I live in hope. Heather
  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Hi Heather, it's quite likely Spidge will have some details. If not the whole memorial, he'll probably know someone who has what you need.
  3. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Hi Heatheranne, glad I could be of help. Apolgies for the skewed angle.

    View attachment 3434
  4. heatherannej

    heatherannej New Member

    Many thanks to all of you, especially Spidge! Something told me to ask and my wish was granted - although I was holding my breath :) Apologies not needed re the angle. I've visited Thiepval and seen a Great-Uncle's name etched there - I know it can be difficult to obtain images, depending on where a name sits. A cousin of mine visited the Singapore Memorial some years back but it was beyond him/his camera to obtain an image then. Many thanks again, on behalf of all the family. We are indebted to you.
  5. chickaroo

    chickaroo New Member

    chickaroo uk.
    This a very long shot RUBY MARGARET BEVAN.OF SINGAPORE.The Wife of deceased WILLIAM ROBERT BEVAN 860801 9 COAST REGT ROYAL ARTILLERY I know he was of the 600 gunners atrocity.Is there anybody out there related to my Uncle. My Mother was Williams Sister and they where both born in CLI FNYDD South wales. Or of course Ruby Iknow they had 2 daughters,aNY INFORMATION WILL BE HELPFUL.BILLJOAN@CHICK1923.FREESERVE.CO.UK.
  6. heatherannej

    heatherannej New Member

    Hi there chickaroo ...
    another route for you (if you have not tried it already) is to use the forum on:- Fepow Community :)
    OR Family Tree, Genealogy and Census Records - (or .com) - put in your key Bevan names and see if you get any matches. Matches may lead you to significant family members who you can contact (initially via the website). Heather

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