
Discussion in 'World War 2' started by John, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. John

    John Active Member

    Just want to inquire how all our English members are getting on. They just showed some news on TV about how bad it is over there How are you all getting on for food as it doesn't look like many truck would be able to make deliveries.
    My thoughts are with you all - stay safe and take care.
  2. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi John,
    We're coping quite well, looks nice when you see your garden bird table looking like an enormous wedding cake. It takes on a new character when as I do, you have a drive sloping downwards towards the house, making access to the road difficult, so you have to grit your teeth and start shovelling.
    My little Llahsa Apso loves it even though she's getting on in years, I think she translates to about my age in real terms.
    I am reasonably fortunate in having spent three years in Austria during my army service, you never forget the lessons you learn from driving through the mountains at the height of their winters on packed ice frozen roads,
    So I have been out and bought supplies.
    Hope things are not too hot for you, don't ever forget, you can replace things, but not your life so do not ever take risks.
    Thanks for your kind thoughts and have a carefree New Year.

    "No Smilies Yet.
    :........: ;>)
    Keith DCVIII
  3. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi John,
    Christmas Picks.

    Keith DCIX ;>)
  4. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Not too bad now, some of the snow melted today in a bit of a thaw, more has been forecast but the warnings have been downgraded from certain death to its probably gonna snow. Have seen panick buying last week or so but mostly idiots who can't even drive a 4x4 in snow.

    Just completed a 152 mile journey along motorways from the south to the north of the country, barely anything to be seen now except a touch of slusd from the central reservation. Looking fine now.

    Hows it going down there?
  5. John

    John Active Member

    Glad Keith and you are going okay. I guess everyone would be getting a bit sick of the snow by now. Down under we are suffering heatwaves, bushfires and floods.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    I think we have more snow forecast, but to be honest I enjoy it. Decent patrol boots mean i can walk in the snow and ice with barely a problem. I just wish I could send it down to you to help, I think you need it more than us.
  7. John

    John Active Member

    Yes send us the snow for a couple of days in the bushfire area's. Certain parts of Victoria are under " code red catastrophic fire alert " warnings.
    At midnight it was still 38c in South Australia. Today in Victoria it is forcasted to reach over 40c
  8. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    I know in theory that if you skid you are supposed to reduce pressure on the brakes and pump them so that they regain grip: but every time I've skidded over the last few days, I've forgotten all about that and just clamped them on even harder. Fortunately , the ABS has saved me. There's nothing quite like hurtling towards another car with neither of you having any idea when you are going to stop. The main roads are ok now; its the side roads that are lethal.

    John, 40 degrees sounds a bit much to me; I can just about handle it on holiday when I can have a snooze in the afternoon, and sit under a sun umbrella if on the beach, but I wouldn't fancy having to work in it.
  9. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    Down here in Melbourne Oztralylia we have had some days in a row over 40 Celsius, but South Australia (Adelaide) has had it worse.
    Last night was the equal hottest night on record for Melbourne with the temperature not getting below 30+ degrees Celsius, the trains stopped running due to electricity failures. We have a large air conditioner in our lounge room window it has been blowing 'almost' non stop for a day or two.

    We apparently have a change coming through later tonight, though the fire danger is immense and at catastrophic rating which is the highest rating, so we have total fire ban in place for parts of Victoria, which means no flames outside the house, no BBQs nothing, though the smokers can still light up outside (IMHO a silly exception.)

    Anyway to all you members in Europe take care, i don't even know what it's like to be in heavy snow let alone what you guys are going through.
  10. John

    John Active Member

    I really feel very sorry for the volunteer firefighters who are out there fighting the fires as I couldn't imagine what it must be like in that sort of heat.
  11. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    I really feel very sorry for the volunteer firefighters who are out there fighting the fires as I couldn't imagine what it must be like in that sort of heat.

    I agree John, the volunteers and the small groups of professionals who are often overlooked in favour of the CFA and other rural fire depts, anyway they all combined are the true hero's of the Australian Summer, they ask for nothing more than a cool drink and some tucker.
    A cool change came through my area about 5pm local time, massive relief the lifting of such a dry temperate heat wave. And great to be able to open the house up.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    am glad a cooler weather front is coming through, I am praying for some good summer rain for you all.
  13. John

    John Active Member

    A couple of our states already have floods, Queensland and NSW
  14. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    How bad? I hope it isn't flash floods and everyone has chance to get out
  15. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    Although summer showers/rain fall is a great thing, the problem down here is all it does is make the ground muddy and increase the growth of ground based plants in the bush which in turn once dried out makes a marked increase in fuel for forest fires on the forest floor.
    That's unless we were to receive large rain falls which make floods to which we haven't had down here in a many a year.
  16. John

    John Active Member

    We have had a few children drown while playing in flooded rivers. It is very sad when you see on the news , 100's of live stock stranded in the floods with nowhere to go and you know they will drown. Nature can be very cruel.

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