The Cambrai Memorial to the Missing

Discussion in 'Memorials & Cemeteries' started by liverpool annie, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I am always very touched by this memorial .......

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  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Jagger, Charles Sargeant (1885–1934). British sculptor, best known for his war memorials - he is described by Alan Borg as ‘the only major artist to have made his reputation in this way’ (War Memorials: From Antiquity to the Present, 1991). Jagger was born at Kilnhurst, Yorkshire, the son of a colliery manager, and at the age of 14 he was apprenticed as a metal engraver with the Sheffield firm of Mappin & Webb. In 1907 he won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art, where he studied from 1908 to 1911. His early work, such as Torfrida (Clifton Park Museum, Rotherham, c. 1911) shows the impact of the New Sculpture in its medievalism and concentration on surface qualities. At the end of his student period he won a travelling scholarship that enabled him to spend several months in Rome and Venice. In 1913 he was placed second to Gilbert Ledward in competition for the Rome Scholarship and the following year he won the award. However, the First World War intervened before he could take it up. He enlisted in the army, fought at Gallipoli and in France, was wounded three times, and won the Military Cross. His experience of trench warfare is reflected in his huge bronze relief No Man's Land (Tate Gallery, London, 1919–20). He began making sketches for this in 1918 when he was recovering from a severe wound, and the finished work was commissioned by the British School of Rome in lieu of the scholarship he had relinquished. It is one of the grimmest images inspired by the war, showing a solitary look-out taking cover behind corpses strewn across barbed wire.

    This is a memorial I remember ! .......

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