The GI's buddy in WW2 Bill Mauldin

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Franek, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Franek

    Franek New Member


    Sorry Mon Capitan. Your men are indisposed for awhile

    On of many cartoons by Bill Mauldin in the Stars and stripes. General Patton threatened to court martial him because he told it like it was. There was a huge outcry from the GI's, and Eisenhower intervened and allowed Bill to continue.
  2. Golden Wattle

    Golden Wattle New Member

    Hi Franek,
    I have seen some of his work.
    Very astute & clever cartoonist.
    Like most persons who "tell it as it is", the powers that be are not impressed.
    However the person on the street or the Digger/GI/Tommy in the foxhole loves the truth, as it tells their story.

    His death (in 2003?), made the press "down here".
    Good post

  3. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

  4. Franek

    Franek New Member

    Sad Sack,. Another American cartoon by Yank Magazine in 1944


    Here is another cartoon character from the Yank magazine from 1944.. It was funny but just could never compete with Willy and Joe.. He was depicted as a real Buck Private foul up/ He was in constant trouble
    . Bill Mauldin published in the stars and stripes.
  5. Franek

    Franek New Member

    Lena the Hyena


    Another Character that pilots painted on the nose of both fighter planes and bombers.. WW2
  6. Franek

    Franek New Member



    The following story was written by John Laming:-

    "Gremlins"..n.1..a mischievous invisible being, said by airmen in World War II to cause engine trouble and mechanical difficulties. 2. any source of mischief. (orig. uncert.) The Macquarie Dictionary-2nd Edition

    I first heard about Gremlins when I was eight years old. That was in 1940, and the Battle of Britain was being fought over Kent. My old Uncle Alf told me about them. He picked up this info from an RAF pilot he met in our village pub - the pilot was recuperating from a crash caused by Gremlins in the fuel system of his Spitfire.

    Gremlins were apparently a British manifestation, although as we shall see later, there is evidence that some may have migrated to Australia after the war. Interestingly, they seemed to be peculiar to only British designed aircraft- as there were no reports of American gremlins causing problems.

    They were first discovered by RAF pilots of the Photographic Reconnaissance Units who flew unarmed Spitfires and Mosquitoes at great heights on photographic missions over enemy territory. Their presence caused great concern, so much so that an alert order was sent to all RAF units. It was in the form of verse which was published in RAF bulletins, and often sung to a familiar tune. It went like this:
  7. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  8. Jerome

    Jerome Member

    Franek: The verse you referred to is not visible? Gremlins at work?
  9. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    A little about Gremlins.


  10. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    And a little more.



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